Tree Bros- Deadman

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Requested by @endermare

Deadpool X Spiderman but toned down a bit bc I don't know much about Deadpool.

Evan glanced around the city. It seemed like a nice, quiet night.

Too quiet.

What's that idiot gotten himself into this time?

As if waiting for his cue, the boy in the tight, red and black outfit leaped onto the rooftop.

"Why are you looking at the stars? You already know that the brightest one out here is you, so why bother?" Evan couldn't see through the mask, but he was pretty sure that Deadpool was giving him a wide smirk.

"I'm uh, actually looking around the city. You know, to stop crimes? Like superheroes?" Evan tried to turn away from Deadpool, but he just came closer to him.

"Awe, what's wrong spidey? Tough day on the web?" Deadpool wrapped his arm around Evans neck, leaning into him. "I bet I could make it better. My place, five minutes?"

"You're disgusting." Evan moved away from his suffocating arm, and towards the edge of the building. "I'm just trying to do my job."

"Me too. So, my room?"

Evan sighed and shot his webs to a nearby building. Without saying goodbye, he far away from the flirtatious jerk.

"-so there's this rumor going around, right? And I just, you know, wanted to get your opinion." Jared pushed up his glasses, a wide grin on his face.

"Um, okay?"

"So," he lowered his voice, and made sure no one was listing to them. "Deadpool and Spiderman..."

"Uh, yeah?" Evan tugged at the bottom of his shirt. "What, what about them?"

"I'm just going to be blunt. Do you like Deadpool? Because like, he totally liked you."

Evan rolled his eyes, and grabbed the books he needed from his locker. "No. How many times do I, do I have to tell you! He's a jerk. Yesterday, he kept, he kept asking me to come over to his house, and, and..." Evan couldn't finish his sentence, but his beet red face told the whole story.

Jared broke out in loud, obnoxious laughter. "Oh my god that's amazing. You should have accepted the offer, dude."

Evan glared at Jared, and slammed his locker. "No! I'm not, I'm not going to do that with some jerk who doesn't even know my name!"

Jared's laugh died out a bit, but he still had his signature grin. "It's a joke, dude. Chill. Besides, I know you like school shooter."

"D-don't call him that. He didn't, he do anything!" A light blush freckled his face. "Besides, he's, he's nice."

"Sure, sure." Jared began to walk to his class, but stopped and turned around. "Oh, and Evan? If he makes that offer again..."

"I'm not, I'm not going to say yes."

"It's just an idea." Jared through his arms in the air. "I mean, you would get a reaction out of him. He expects you to say no. Surprise him. And, maybe you'll get to see his face."

Jared watched as Evan was hit with the realization. "I-I don't, I don't even want to know who he is!"

"Okay, sure. You tell yourself that." Jared swaggered away, and air of fake confidence around him.

I'm not going to actually do this... right?

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