Tree Bros- Glitterball

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This is a weird like, 'Evans a pub singer and doesn't have anxiety when he sings' AU because I really like this one song, Glitterball?

Evan stood looking over the drunken crowd. The room was filled with smoke, but after a while you get used to it.

What you don't get used to, is a tall, beautiful man walking in. He walked in like he was a force of nature. He was confident, and content.

Evan couldn't look up. His thoughts were now clouded with thoughts of the strange, beautiful man.

Evan was lost for words. Snapping himself out of his trance, he motioned to the music man to play that song.

The music started out slow, giving Evan enough time to prepare himself.

He lost himself in the familiar words, looking directly at the man. He was leaning forward onto his table, waiting for Evans voice to fill the room.

"Singing, oh, singing, oh, singing, oh, I'm so in love with you."

The mans face flushed in the dark room, although Evan couldn't tell if it was from the drinks or the song.

Evan finished the song, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

But Evan only cared about one person.

And that person was leaving.

He handed his microphone to the stage manager, and sprinted off stage as fast as his sparkling outfit would allow.

At first he thought he had lost him in the crowd, but glancing up, he realized he couldn't lose him when he stands out so much.

He grabbed the man by his hand, stopping them both.

"Hi." Evan said, his stage confidence failing him.

"Hey." The tall man pulled Evan to the side, away from all the other people.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm-I'm fine, I just, uh, I have this feeling? I guess?" Evan stopped, and tried again.

"I. I feel like I need to met you. I've been here for a few years, and I've never, I've never seen you. And, and I need to see you again."

"So... that song was for me?"

Evan nodded, a blush forming on his face. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It was beautiful." The tall boy chuckled, and Evan could swear he heard bells. "I should probably introduce myself, right?"

Evan laughed. "Me too. I'm, I'm Evan Hansen."

"Connor Murphy. I'll pick you up from here tomorrow for a date. Wanna grab a coffee or something?"

Evan smiled. "That'd, that'd be perfect."

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