Connor X Evan- Spy AU

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Connor drummed his fingertips on the solid oak table as his father droned on with the Mission X Board meeting.

"-And once my son gets on their good side, we attack from within."

"And how do you plan on doing that, father?" Connor interrupted.

Connor's dad sighed at the interruption. "You're going to earn the trust of their leaders son, and make him fall in love with him. Once you do that, you will feed us secrets from the inside, and eventually we will have enough information to destroy Mission Y. Do you understand your mission?"

Connor nodded his head. "Yes sir."

"Good." Agent Larry turned away from him. "You uniform is on your sleeping pad, along with anything you might need. You're dismissed, Connor, the rest of you, please stay seated. We still have much to discuss.

Connor gave a solute his father didn't see, before leaving the meeting and heading to his sleeping chamber. He opened the door to find his uniform for the mission laid out on his bed.

He sighed in relief at the outfit. A plain, black hoodie, black skinny jeans, black shoes, black socks... Connor lifted up the pants off the bed. And of course, black underwear.

He could work with this.

Connor walked into his new high school. The Board had made sure that Connor would have most of the same classes as Evan, so that Connor could form a relationship, but no one would get suspicious.

Once he reached his classroom, he looked around for Evan. He had a memorized what he looked like, and he assumed that he would be at the center of attention because of his family.

Connor was surprised to find that Evan was in the back, sitting alone. Connor confidently walked over to him, causing the smaller boy to look up and blush deep red at the sight of him.

"May I sit here?" Connor motioned to the seat next to Evan.

"I-I uh I mean, you CAN it's just I'm not very... um. You don't want to sit by me because I'm not uh popular? And uh I don't want you to feel like you have to sit by me, because that would be bad?"

Connor couldn't help but smile at the teen boy. "It's all good. I don't want to be popular. It's too fake." Connor sat down right next to even and turned slightly in his chair. "So, what's your name?"

"Handsome. I MEAN HANSEN. Evan Hansen yeah. Um," he cleared his throat nervously. "And you are?"

"Connor Murphy." Connor extended his hand and Evan shook it in return.

Soon the lesson started, so Connor couldn't interact with Evan. Connor had already learned everything they're teaching already, so class was a bore.

As soon as the bell rang, Evan bolted out of the classroom. Quickly, Connor gathered his things and ran out after him. "Hansen wait!"

Evan stopped when he heard his name being called. Expecting it to be a bully again, he turned around cautiously. He let out a sigh when he realized it was just Connor.

"Evan! Hey! So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out later?" Connor puffed up his chest and stood a bit taller, trying to make himself more presentable.

Evan was speechless for a minute. Who'd ever want to hang out with him? Was this a trick? Probably.

Evan looked down at his feet with a sad expression on his feet

Connor instantly shrank down a bit. "Oh god, what'd I say? I'm sorry, we don't have to hang out Evan."

Evan looked up at Connor, wiping a tear away. "You actually want to hang out why me? Why?"

Connor took this as a perfect time to compliment him, as the Board told him that would help their cause. Maybe it would even encourage Evan to bring Connor to his house.

"Well, I've noticed that's there's nothing like your smile, sorta subtle, and perfect, and real. You don't know how wonderful that smile could make someone feel. And, I was hoping that I could maybe... see it more."

Evans face was bright red. "I-I mean um okay. I guess? Do you want to come over?" Evan rushed out, making Connor chuckle.

"I'd love to."

As the weeks dragged on, Connor realized that he was actually falling for Evan. He was so amazing, and sweet, and caring. He couldn't do it anymore. He had to come clean.

"Evan. There's something I need to tell you. It's important."

Evan put down his book and turned more on his bed to face Connor, giving him his full attention.

"I uh," Connor let out a shaky breath. "I'm not really who you think I am. I'm from Mission X, and My father is the leader. I was... supposed to get you to fall in love with me, and then we would infiltrate your company and destroy it." Connor stop a glance at Evan, and instantly regret it once he saw the hurt on his face.

Connor kept going, with less confidence. "Well, I uh. Thought I was doing pretty well, but then I realized... I'm falling in love with you. And... I don't ever want to destroy your moms company or anything involving it. I... I love you Evan Hansen." 

He paused when he didn't get a response."I'm sorry, and I understand that you either don't or didn't feel the same way. I'll leave now." Connor turned and started walking to the door.


Connor turned around, only to be met with Evans lips on his. He melted into the kiss. It was soft, but passionate and caring. He could feel Evans love for him on his lips.

Once the parted, both boys faces were blushing bright red.

Evan leaned his head into Connor's forehead.

"What do we do now?" Connor quietly asked.

"Stay with me. If you want to of course. We will protect you! My mom's actually pretty nice, and from what I've heard about your dad... he's... not the nicest? Um, but if you don't want to-"

Connor chuckled, and leaned into Evan. "There's no where else I'd rather be."

"Me too."

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