Kleinsen- Haunted House

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@Katrina_Goldcosmo requested some fluff, so...

Also we make Evan too hopeless and weak, so here's our beautiful, strong boy

"Don't worry babe, I'll protect you." Jared slung his arm around Evans waist as Evan lightly struggled against him. Evan laughed quietly before pushing him away.

"I'm not, I'm not scared, you know."

"You don't have to be macho around me, babe." The line moved closer, and Evan dragged Jared to the front of the line.

"Shut up, you meme." Jared laughed, earning a kiss from Evan.

"Alright you two." The lady at the front called the boys over. "Do you want to stay together?"

Jared nodded his head, tightly holding Evans hand, but Evan ignored it.

"Alright boys, right this way." She opened a curtain, leading the boys into pure darkness.

Evan tried to look around, but it was too dark to see anything. "Jared?"

"Sorry I can't hear you, it's too dark." Jared tried to joke to hide his shaking pride.

"Jared I-I swear-" Evan cut himself off by the sudden flashing flashing of lights. An evil chuckle filled the room, and Jared death gripped Evans arm.

"Want to play a game, boys?" A stripped curtain pulled back, trying to lead the boys into a circus themed room.

"Fuck that, nope, I'm not dealing with this shit, hell no." Evan pulled Jared towards the door anyway.

"Don't worry, it's not, there's nothing to be-"

Jared didn't get to hear the rest of his words because a giant clown jumped out at him, sending Jared to the floor.

After a few moments, the clown turned towards Evan. "Is... is he okay?"

"Um. I don't, I don't know? We've never, I've never, um."

Seeing how anxious the boy was, the clown man pointed them towards an exit. Evan picked Jared up gently, and somehow managed to get them through the door and out to the parking lot.

"Oh my god I'm going to die I'm dying sorry I can't just no..." Jared rambled into Evans chest.

"Jared," Evan called to him sweetly, sitting them down right in front of Jared's car. "Hey baby. I'm right here, it's okay." Evan held Jared's hands lightly, waiting for him to snap out of the trance.

Jared's eyes snapped open at the contact. "Jesus fuck." Jared put on his award winning grin, despite himself blushing profusely. "That was awesome."

"D-don't even, you just fell to the floor and started crying w-when the first person came out." Evan helped Jared up, grabbing the keys from him.

"I'm driving, and when we get home, we're, we're going to watch kids shows." Evan kissed Jared on the cheek before getting in the car, leaving a flustered Jared to think about how amazing his boyfriend is.

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