Boyf Riends- Level Two

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Warning:Violence, and low key death.

"Why do we need guns?" Jeremy asked.

"Eh, it's probably just because level two is like, a shooter game. Lighten up, babe!" Michael laughed and lead the way downstairs.

Jeremy stopped Michael once they made it to the bottom of the staircase. "D-did you hear that?"

"Yeah, but it's probably just the monster we're supposed to attack."

"YEAH ITS PROBABLY JUST THE MONSTER." Jeremy voice cracked at how high he was speaking. Michael chuckled and pointed his gun into the kitchen.

"Come on out, monster. We won't hurt you. Much." Jeremy scoffed at Michael's confidence.

Michael flipped the light switch in the kitchen, showing a figure lurking in the shadows.

Jeremy squinted his eyes. "... Hey Michael, doesn't that look like Chloe?"

Michael didn't answer, and instead quickly shot his gun when it jumped at them. The figure fell to the ground, in a puddle of blue blood.


"What? It was coming at us! I can't just like, not fight!"

"Right but, that looks like our friend!"

Michael walked further into the kitchen. "So?"

"So! So, this game is super freaky!"

"Awe, is little baby Jere-Jere scared?" Michael pouted.

"Yes! I can't do it anymore!" Jeremy reached up and tugged at his hair, his face growing pale when nothing happened.

"M-M-Michael? Nothing's happening. Nothing's happening, nothing's happening!"

"Jeremy, what do you mean?"

"I can't, it won't? I think... I think we are stuck here! Like, actually stuck in a video game!"


"No, no, not awesome!"

"I mean, it seems pretty- Jeremy watch out!"

Jeremy turned around, but it was too late. He yelled out in pain as a Brooke like zombie bit him.

Jeremy woke up in Michael's house... yes! No, wait, he was still in the video game, just upstairs again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a red flashing 2 that faded just as quickly as he saw it.

He walked back to the staircase, but it was blocked again. "What the hell...?" He muttered.

"Jeremy! Where are you?" Jeremy could hear Michael, but he sounded far away.

"I'm up here! I think I lost a life and have to start over!" Jeremy yelled back.

"Should I keep going or should I wait for you to get down here?" Michael shouted. Jeremy could hear a gun go off in the background as he paused to think.

"Uh... Keep going!" Jeremy yelled before going into the game room.

"Welcome to your final task of Level One. Your mission is to-"

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