Kleinsen- What even is this

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Superhero AU, where Evan saves the day from the evil villain (Jared)

Evan sighed, looking out the window. His head dropped slightly, bouncing back up. Jared noticed, and lightly tapped his boyfriend on the shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked softly. "I have a fidget spinner in my backpack."

"No, no, I just uh, late night?" Evan closed his eyes for a moment, and Jared looked away, guilty.

He's the one the kept Evan out so late. He should have gone on his run earlier in the day. Evan wouldn't be falling asleep in class if it wasn't for him.

As the bell for fourth period rang, Jared guided Evan out of the classroom.

"Jare, uh, class is, class is over there?"

"Yeah, no. I'm not going to watch you try to make it through the day like this. Jared gently guided Evan through the front doors and to his car.

"You have two options. Starbucks, or my house and a bed. What do you pick?" Jared asked, a soft sternness in his voice.

Sighing, Evan smiled slightly. "Coffee. I still, I need to go to fifth period."

Jared nodded his head making sure Evan was buckled in before driving.

As Jared and Evan headed back to the school, he glanced over at Evan. Evan looked so happy with the drink in one hand, and Jared's hand in the other.

Jared smiled wide, remembering why he became a 'Evil Villain' in the first place.

"Evan? You okay?" Evan smiled softly.

"Yeah, no, I'm, I'm fine." Jared studied his boyfriends face, as if it would tell him why Evan looked so glum.

Later that night when Jared was on his rooftop, he would realize why Evan was so glum.

He saw Mother Nature. A.K.A., his boyfriend.

Evan Hansen was the town superhero, Mother Nature. Jared had known even since Evan had saved him from getting attacked at school.

Evan had only worn a tight, spandex suit with a small mask, so how could Jared not know it was him?

Glancing back over at him, he saw how his eyes danced around the town.

He's looking for trouble Jared realized.

Looking around himself, Jared realized that they hadn't had any trouble in weeks.

Evan must feel like he isn't help anyone. Evan wants to feel like a hero.

Jared climbed back into his house, grabbing a wig from his little sister, and a long cape from his room. He changed into an outfit he wouldn't normally wear, a suit. He took off his glasses, putting in contacts that he only wore for special occasions.

Stepping out of his window, he landed softly on the ground below. He looked back up to the sky, to see Mother Nature glancing in the opposite direction.

Jared ran over a street, to an empty alley way, kicking over trash cans and being loud.

Within ten seconds, Mother Nature dropped down.

"Uh, sir? Can I help you?"

"Yeah, leave me alone. I'm here to destroy this city, one trash can at at time." Jared said in a low, gravely voice.

"Not if I can help it!"

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