Boyf Riends- Michael pt2

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Before you say anything, I swear it's not angst. It might seem like it at the beginning, but it's not angst.

Part Three is in my other one shot book!

Jeremy glanced at the two video games in the store. His hand wanted to naturally go to the new Apocalypse of the Damned game, but he knew it was a two player game.

And what's a two player game without your player one?

So he drew his hand back, and grabbed the newest Pokémon game instead.

He tried to push back all of his thoughts of...

No. Jeremy thought. Not here. Not now.

"Dad? I'm home!" Jeremy called out. No one answered, so he took his shoes off and headed downstairs to try out his new game.

He flipped the light switch on, and almost jumped when he saw the figure in a red hoodie.

He would have screamed and jumped with joy, if this hadn't happened before.

"Hey Jeremy!" Jeremy rolled his eyes at the figure, mumbling to himself. "God I hate this thing sometimes."

He calmly walked over to his mini fridge, and pulled out a Mountain Dew Red. He quickly chugged it down, and glanced back at the figure, expecting it to be gone.


Jeremy's eyes widened, and the two stood still in the room. The air was filled with tension, and Jeremy slowly lifted his arm.

"Ow!" The figure mumbled as the empty bottle hit his face. "What the hell, man?"

"Who the fuck are you?"

"It's me, Jeremy...Michael? Your boyfriend?"

Jeremy took a step back, backing into the wall behind him as Michael came closer. "No, no, Michael died in a car crash. He, he... you're not Michael!"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I promise it's me. I'm here! I'm alive!" Michael again tried to get closer, but Jeremy flinched away. Michael quickly moved away. "I'm sorry. I know this is probably hard to understand-"

"Oh, really?" Jeremy asked, sarcasm lacing his voice. "Really? You know this is hard to understand?" Jeremy asked. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"Well, I mean, yeah, but-!" Michael sighed. "I thought you'd be more excited about this."

"Oh yeah?" Jeremy asked. "Well I'm so sorry that I'm upset that for two years I thought you were dead!" Jeremy yelled. "I was gonna have to go to college without you!" Jeremy stormed up the stairs angrily.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked, following Jeremy up the stairs.

"I'm going to eat sushi, and you're going to explain everything." Jeremy mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Yeah..." Michael mumbled. "About that..." he trailed off, giving Jeremy a weak smile as Jeremy glared at him.

"You ate all my sushi."

"I ate all your sushi." Michael said, knowing it was true.

Jeremy groaned, and Michael quickly tried to defend himself. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry I was hungry."

Jeremy let out a loud sigh before defeatedly sitting down on the kitchen counter. "Okay, you have a lot of explaining to do."

"Like what?"

"Like where the fuck you've been for two years? Why didn't you come back? Did you die? Are you a zombie?" Jeremy asked, bombarding Michael with questions.

"Okay, Okay, uh..." Michael trailed off. "I uh, I've been like, in a coma for a year and a half?"

"Coma?" Jeremy asked. "But, you, I saw your body! You, you were-"

"It wasn't me." Michael uttered, his voice low. "I know it looked like me. Believe me, I know."

"Okay," Jeremy said, willing his voice not to break. "A year and a half. What about, what about the other half?" He wrapped his arms around himself. "Why didn't you come sooner?"

"I tried." Michael whispered, moving closer to Jeremy. "I did. But, I was, I was trapped. I had to... to escape." Michael abruptly stopped himself.

"Escape what?" Jeremy asked after a moment, scooting off of the counter. "What happened?" He moved closer to Michael. "Did they hurt you?"

"Who cares?" Michael asked, smiling wide. "You're Heere, I'm here. It's all good!"

Jeremy tried to pretend like he wasn't smiling. "I feel like you used my name as a pun."

"No way. I would never!" Michael smirked. "But seriously, all that matters is that I'm here now."

Jeremy smiled, pulling Michael into his chest. "I love you. And, and I never stopped loving you."

"Me either." Michael mumbled, tracing patterns on Jeremy's back. "Me either."

Michael smiled lovingly at Jeremy, and tried not to look at the cameras he knew were in the room. Jeremy could never know.

It was only for the best.

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