Kleinsen- Yandere! Jared

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Requested by @lisetta888

Jared smiled warmly at Evan, holding his hand softly. Jared placed a gentle kiss on Evans forehead, letting Evans hand go. Evan turned over in his bed, and Jared went to work on his project.

Jared placed the last of the video cameras in Evans room, making sure to hide them all around, so he'd be able to see Evan whenever he was home.

Once he was done, he went back to the bed, hovering over it. "Don't worry, baby. I'm going to protect you from him." Jared glared at the picture frame Evan kept by his bed.

Jared glared at the picture, reluctantly moving away from it. He didn't want Evan to think something was up if the picture went 'missing'. He made his way over to the window, opening and closing it without ever making a sound.

"And then I was, uh, oh! Hi Jared." Evan waved with his free hand at Jared, while Jared pretended to ignore Connors hand touching Evans. "But, yeah, I went to the club meeting, and I was actually..." He trailed off, but all Jared could focus on was his boiling anger.

Something had to be done.

Evan needed protection.

Evan needed Jared.

Connor, meet me in the janitors closet ASAP. I've got a surprise for you.

Connor glanced at the note, smiling to himself. He placed the note into his pocket, heading towards the closet. Jared watched as Connor made his way to the closet, falling easily into his trap.


Jared texted his friend to make sure he was in place, then headed over himself.

He watched as Connor fumbled with the door, stepping inside.

Right now, he'd probably be looking for the light switch, and 'Evan' would mumble something about keeping them off. Connor would mention wanting to see 'Evan', but 'Evan' would insist. ' Evan' would wrap his arms around Connors waist, silently getting the note Connor had placed in his pocket. 'Evan' would then reach up to his lips, peppering Connor with soft kisses.

Connor wouldn't fight it, and 'Evan' would be kissing him right about...

Jared took a picture on his phone, flash on to capture the cheater. He then sprinted away, so that Connor wouldn't know who he was.

He ran to Evan, pretending to be upset. "Evan, I uh. I'm, I'm sorry."

"S-sorry? What, what for?" Evan asked worriedly.

"I-well, I just." Jared sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Just, look." He handed his phone to Evan. "I'm sorry." He mumbled as Evan studied the photo.

"I-I..." Evan trailed off. "He? Oh." His eyes watered slightly, but he wiped them away. "I... I guess the feeling was mutual, then."

Jared made himself look confused, hoping for a better explanation.

"I... I don't, I don't really like Connor like that." Evan softly whispered, afraid of the truth. "I like... I like you."

Jared smiled. "Ditto here." He leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his forehead, just like he did a few nights ago.

"Evan!" Connor jogged up to the two, and Jared instinctively placed a protective arm in front of Evan.

"Go away Connor." Jared growled at Connor.

"Evan, please." Connor ignored Jared, trying to step towards his Ex.

"Y-you heard, you heard Jared, Connor. Go, uh, go away. The, the feeling, the feeling is mutual. I'm, I'm with Jared now." Evan grabbed Jared hand, pulling him behind him, and away from that jerk and towards his car.

Jared smiled at his boyfriend lovingly.

Now he could watch Evan tonight and not feel guilty, since he was all his now.

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