Boyf Riends- Level One

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Loosely based on Ready Player One and Jumanji. Also, this one is pretty low key and nice, but uh... part 2 and 3...

"Michael, I never thought I'd say it, but here but here it goes; I'm sick of Apocalypse Of The Damned."

Michael fake gasped. "Really? It's not like we beat all of the levels 3 times already." He sat back in his bean bag chair. "Well uh, what do you want to do?"

"Uh... I... well, maybe we could..." Jeremy sighed. "I have no idea."

Michael's doorbell rang. Both boys looked at each other before racing each other down the stairs. Jeremy reached the door first, and swung it open.

No one was there. Jeremy stepped out, only to be stopped by Michael. "Jere, watch where you're stepping! You almost crushed this!"

Michael reached down to revealed a box. In big letters, it read: To be Shipped to Jeremy Heere and Michael Mell. Good luck.

Michael looked at his boyfriend before closing the door and putting the box gently on the counter.

"S-should... should we open it?" Jeremy questioned.

Without hesitation, Michael said, "Hell yeah!" And ripped open the brown box, Pulling out several things.

Two Virtual Reality headsets, two pairs of gloves, and a video game cd case.

Michael grabbed one of the headsets. "Woah dude, this is so cool!"

"Uh, hate to burst your bubble, but aren't you... I don't know... concerned about the fact that whoever sent us this knows our names and stuff? And what about the 'Good Luck' part? Doesn't that concern you? Like, even a little bit?"

Michael looked up, concern etched onto his face. It quickly was wiped away when he started laughing. "Whatever, nothing's gonna happen. It's just a video game, babe!"

Jeremy sighed. "Okay, what's the game?"

Michael turned the case around before answering. "It... it doesn't have a name. Just a description. Want me to read it out loud?"

Jeremy nodded.

"You said you were bored so here I am
A 2 player game; not Ap. Of the damn.
With this game, you soon will see,
It's not easy as you may hope it to be.

You have three lives,
After which you may revive.
Be sure to stay by each other's side
And I will be sure to provide."

"Provide? Provide what?"

"I have no idea, but there's more, so shush." Michael cleared his throat and began again.

"Level One starts easy,
Level Two's a little queasy,
And level Three is the final part
(make sure you have one full heart)

The final beast may be slaughtered
Only if your love isn't altered."

Michael looked up at Jeremy with awe. "This game sounds awesome!"

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