Tree Bros- The Play

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Requested by: @BeyondtheScarletSky

"Alright everyone. You're probably wondering why I gathered you all here."

"Alana, cut the shit. What's the deal?" Connor asked impatiently.

"Okay, okay. I got us tickets to see Book Of Mormon!" Alana held up the tickets with pride.

"Oh my god! Babe! How?" Zoe jumped up, ecstatic.

"I entered one of those little raffle ticket things, but I actually won!" She waved the tickets around frantically. "And I'm allowed to bring five people, including myself, so..." she hinted.

"Are you kidding me? That's amazing! I'd love to go!" Zoe picked up her girlfriend and swing her around, before they both collapsed into giggles.

"I've heard that it's a perfect representation of mormons and that there are no flaws whatsoever!" Jared added sarcastically. "But no seriously that's like my favorite musical. Besides spring awakening, of course. And heathers. And-"

"Oh don't forget-!" The girls starting adding in their favorite musicals, bickering a bit before Connor piped up.

"We get it, you're all musical memes." Connor leaned in closer to Evan, who was huddled over.

"Oh and you aren't?" Jared snapped back, smugly.

"Oh my god Jared, you catch me listening to Dead Girl Walking once-".

"Point proven. So you're in. Hansen? You like musicals, right?" The group turned to Evan.

"I-I-I uh. No... I'm... I'm Mormon?"

"Evan, baby, you're Jewish." Connor looked at Evan. "Are you okay?"

"I-I mean I'm um, busy that day."

"Evan... I didn't say what day it was."

"W-well I mean I assumed it was a day I was busy and I j-just. I um. Oh look my mom needs me home I-I-I've gotta go a-and-" He was still mumbling words as he sprinted out of the room, and presumably home.

They group stood awkwardly as they tried to process what just happened. Finally, Zoe broke the silence.

"Didn't you like, drive him here, Con? How's he gonna get home?"

"Oh shit." Connor quickly got up and ran after his boyfriend.

Connor eventually caught up to Evan.
"Evan! Evan, what the hell man? Why'd you run off like that?" Connor lowered his voice, and reached his hand out carefully to hold Evan's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah no, I'm I'm fine I just um." Evan tried to quickly think of something, anything, that would convince Connor on why he didn't want to go.

"Do theaters freak out out?" Connor asked. "If they do, it's okay baby. I'll stay home with you and we can just hang out at your house or something."

Evan let out the breath he was holding. "Y-yeah yeah, b-but I want you to see the show. I-I know it's fun-funny..." he trailed off.

"But, don't you really like musicals and stuff? I'd feel bad if I saw a musical without you." Connor slowly started to guide them to his car, opening the door for Evan.

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