Tree Bros- Princes

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Requested by @xXMusicalNerdXx

I changed it up a little, and made it a Prince AU bc why not

"What?" Connor snapped, Turing towards his mom. "Mom, no way. No fucking way am I going through with that." Connor tried to stand up from the conference table, but the guards stopped him.

His mom raised her arm, and they dropped their grip on Connor.

"I know you might not want to do this, but it's our only choice." Queen Cynthia  placed her head down, wringing them together anxiously. "We can't keep going on like this, Connor. We have to draw the line somewhere."

"So I'm being forced to marry my enemy? Wow, thanks mom. Couldn't choose Zoe?"

"Don't speak to your mother like that." King Larry commented, but Connor just scoffed at at him.

"You already know that Zoe is marrying the Beck kingdom." Cynthia tried again. When Connor didn't look at her, she pleaded. "Connor, please. Our kingdom needs this."

"Fine." Connor said, venom in his words. "Can I leave now?"

"Dismissed." King Larry waved him away.

"Of course." Evan mumbled, his voice small in the large room. "I'll do anything for the good of the, for the kingdom."

"Thank you, Evan. Thank you!" Queen Heidi took Evans hands, kissing them. "This will help so many people, Evan. Save so many lives!"

"I know." Evan weakly smiled. "No more, no more deaths. That's all that matters."

Heidi bit her lip, debating on what to say. "You will be leaving to meet with Connor for a week before the wedding so that you two may get to know each other better."

"So when do I leave?" Evan asked, already knowing the answer.

"Tomorrow." Evan sighed. "It gives you time to pack..." Heidi added, trying to lighten the mood. "And let's us get ready for the wedding over here."

"Thanks mom. I'll go... I'll go pack." Evan mumbled, walking out. He played with his shirt as he walked out. Heidi put her head in her hands, disappointed in herself that it had come to this point.

"Prince Evan, I can take your bag." Evan handed his luggage to the servant. "Thank you so much."

The servant was taken back by this. "Of... of course, sir." He took the luggage, already liking the prince despite what the other servants said.

"Evan!" A booming voice brought Evan back to reality, scaring him slightly. "I'm glad you made it safely!"

Evan smiled at King Larry. "Thank, thank you, sir."

"Connor, show Evan to his room." Connor groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Follow me." Evan played with his shirt, running to catch up with Connor.

"S-so, uh, we-"

"Shut up. I don't want to talk to you as much as you might think." Evan drew back, afraid to speak.

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