Tree Bros- Weird Foods

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Evan got out his blender, and grabbed two glasses. "Do you want a milkshake?"

"Uh, nah, I just want some water." Evan nodded before grabbing Connor a glass of water from his fridge and handing it to Connor.

"Can you play some music? You're music is fine, I just want something." Connor nodded, turning on a Halsey station. They both began to hum along as Evan began to make his milkshake.

Evan went to the fridge, and pulled out a pizza box, and an already made Milkshake. Connor raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

Evan dumped his milkshake into the blender, along with two slices of pepperoni pizza.

He then covered the blender with the lid, and blended it all up. He failed to notice Connors look of disbelief as he grabbed his glass and pored the contents into his cup. He happily took a huge sip, sighing in relief as the taste hit his tongue.

"Uh, Evan?" Evan took another sip of his drink before answering his boyfriend.

"Yeah?" Evan finally noticed Connors look, and got worried for what Connor was about to say.

"Okay, I'm not trying to be mean or anything..."

"O-okay...?" Evan gave Connor a look of worry and confusion.

"What the fucking hell are you drinking?" Evans eyes widened before smiling.

"It's a Pi-Shake!"

Connor paused, worried for the mental health of his boyfriend. "First of all, please don't ever call it that again. Second, why?"

Evan laughed before answering. "Well, uh, there was this kids show I like, and one of the characters make this, right? So, so I tried it, and it's actually really good!" He held the glass over to Connor. "Come on, t-take a freaking sip, babe."

Connor rolled his eyes at the reference, and reluctantly took the glass from Evan.

"I feel like I'm going to go into cardiac arrest if I even smell this." Connor glanced down at the glass.

"You be fine, I mean, I'm fine, so."

"Define fine, because this is clearly not fine." Connor didn't wait for Evans answer as he took a huge sip of the thick drink.

He gently placed the glass on the counter, and Evan tried to read his emotions. "S-so?"

"That... that was..." Connor looked directly into Evans eyes. Evan smiled wide, excited about Connors answer.

"The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten."

Evan laughed, and inched closer to Connor, trying to kiss him.

"No, I'm not kissing your pi-shake infested lips. Get away!" Connor lightly pushed Evan away, a huge smile on both of their faces.

Evan finally won, kissing Connor gently on the lips. Once they pulled away, Connor looked lovingly into Evans eyes.

"No seriously, never eat that around me again."

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