Tree Bros- Touch Me pt2

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Ha ha ha. I bet you wanted smut.

Too bad suckers, it's SUPER FLUFF

Evan awaited nervously at the old apple acres. It's had been closed for years, but he always came here on his days off. It made him feel calm and safe.

Well, it normally did.

He looked at his finger nails again, wanting to pick at them, but knowing that his boss would yell at him if he ruined the nail polish again, he stopped himself.

He sighed and stood up. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe Connor wasn't going to come, and he was just making fun of Evan. I mean, who'd want to go out with an exotic dancer?

Oh who was he kidding. Who'd want to date a stripper, and wasn't just in it for sex?

Yeah, this was a bad idea. He turned to leave.

"Evan! There you are!" Evan turned around at the voice, his worries fading away.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, this place isn't really on the maps and I kinda got lost... But, I brought picnic stuff to, I don't know, maybe make up for it?" Connor lifted up the basket and blanket in his hands.

"W-wow, t-that's really sweet of you, Connor." Evan sheepishly smiled, cursing at himself for thinking badly of him a few seconds ago.

"Eh, it's nothing." Connor laid out the blanket he had brought. "You wanna sit?"

Evan nodded his head and plopped down. He fiddled with his shirt as Connor unpacked the basket he'd brought.

"So, I didn't know what food you liked, so I brought sandwiches and salad, just in case you're like, allergic or you can't have something because of your job or whatever."

Evans smiled, blushing. He actually cared. Or at least, seemed to care. This was already better than Evans other dates!

"I-I can eat whatever I want. M-my boss says that people a-actually like m-my body? Like, even with all the, um, chub?" Evan looked away. "But thank you, for um, caring. Y-you're sweet."

Evan didn't see it, but Connor's pale skin turned pink at Evans comment. He cleared his throat to distract Evan, even though he didn't need a distraction.

"So, dinner?"

"You know Evan, you're a lot different when you're not onstage." Connor commented a little while later, nearing the end of their date.

"W-well yeah, that's my c-confident persona... is it bad? T-that I'm not like how I am onstage? I-I've been told that it's a 'turn off' or whatever..."

"No no, it's... nice. It feels real, you know?" Connor looked down as he started packing up all of the food. "I like it, I like you."

Evan face turned red, a constant thing at this point. "O-oh... I-I um, me too. Liking you! That is. Not me liking myself. That would be weird."

Connor chuckled and stood up, reaching his hand out and pulling Evan up as well.

"I had a ton of fun, Evan. Do you... do you want to have another one?"

Evan paused, confused. Connor hadn't asked for anything else from this date? Normally everyone would have at this point...

Connor took this as a sign of rejection. "Or, we can not. I'll be on my way..." he mumbled, turning to go.

"No! No, no I'm just um, confused?"

"Confused?" Connor turned back to face Evan. "Why?"

"W-well um, this is the end of the date?"

"Uh, yeah? I mean, it's getting kinda late, and I don't want you to be out super late, and I assume you have work tomorrow?" Connor asked. "What are you trying to say?"

"W-well, I um, is just that," he fiddled with his shirt as he tried to find a nice way to say it. "Most people, after any date with me, um, want to go, and uh, do stuff? B-but you're not, you're not um."

Connor gave Evan a confused smiled. "Well, yeah. First of all, you're really sweet and I don't want you to think that I'm just taking advantage of you, second, you literally said that nothing would come of the first date."

"O-oh. Y-you remembered..."

"Yeah, do most people not?" Evan looked away, blushing bright red. "Don't worry Evan, I won't ever do that to you. Now that we got that out of the way, did you want to have a second date?"

Evans eyes lit up with excitement.

"H-heck yeah."

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