Tree Bros- Cooking By The Book

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Connor loved October. The darkness, spooky movies, and best of all, pumpkin things.

Not a lot of people knew this about Connor, but he loved pumpkin things, and even better, baking pumpkin things.

As soon as October rolled around, Connor was rolling out the pumpkin cookie dough batter.

Fall? More like fall in love with Connors cupcakes.

Connor smiled at his jokes as he pulled the warm, sweet smelling cookies out of the oven. He set them down, right in front of a smiling Evan.

"W-w-what's uh, what's the flavor?" Evan asked, trying to Connor his best smile. He knew what flavor it probably was, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

"Well, I made some plain, boring chocolate chip cookies, because that's what fall is about."

Evan perked up a bit. "Really?"

"No! It's October, the month of pumpkins! Do you really think I'm just, not going to make pumpkin things?"

Evan nervously chuckled, but luckily Connor didn't hear it. I had hoped you wouldn't.

"N-no, yeah, that's uh, silly of me to, to think that!" Evan chuckled, looking away from Connor. Connor jokingly scolded Evan, then kissed him lightly on the lips.

Evan could taste some pumpkin on Connors lips, and it took everything in him not to outwardly cringe. He forced himself to smile, and Connor never noticed a thing.

"H-hey baby!" Evan called out to Connor in the hallway, walking towards him. Connor smiled, and held out two Starbucks drinks for them. A latte for Connor, and a frappachino for Evan.

"Okay, so I had to wait in line for forever, but I did it for you." Connor shuttered. "So many basic white chicks. So many ugg boots."

Evan laughed, and took the frappachino, happy for some sugar. He took a sip, and almost immediately spit it out.

Forcing himself to swallow the sugary drink, he looked at Connor. "L-let me guess. P-pumpkin? Right?"

Connor smiled. "Yep! Only the best for you, sweetheart." Connor nuzzled into Evans neck, giving him a few small pecks.

The bell to go to class rang, and Evan sprinted off to find Jared.


Jared turned around, before his cocky side showed up again. "Oh? What have you got for me?"

"Pumpkin spice frap. D-don't, don't tell Connor, please." Evan ran off back to his classroom, leaving a shocked Jared with a new drink.

Evan sat surrounded by pumpkin treats. Connor had been giving them to him all week, and Evan didn't have the heart to say no to them.

A single tear ran down his face as he looked at all of the treats he was forcing himself to try.

Why couldn't he like pumpkin? Why couldn't he please Connor?

Meanwhile, Connor sat in his kitchen, coming up with another recipe.

Pumpkin spice brownies.

Now, Connor didn't like pumpkin flavored things. He wasn't against it, but if he had a choice of flavor, he would almost never pick pumpkin.

But he'd do anything if it made Evan happy.

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