Boyf Riends- Pork Sandwich

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Warning: Homicide and Anthropophagy.

Evan hesitantly knocked on Michael's front door. Jeremy had texted him to meet him after school, but Michael still freaked him out a little bit. Something was just... off. But he couldn't put his finger on it.

He fiddle with his shirt. Evan didn't want to be in the same room as Michael, but he knew that Jeremy would listen to him talk, and he needed that right now.

"Hey Evan! Come on in!" Evans fears came to play when Michael opened the door. Evan took a deep breath before stepping through the door.

"H-hey M-Michael. W-w-where's Jeremy? I was um, waiting for him?"

"Oh yeah, he'll be here soon. You wanna sit on the couch?"

Evan nodded his head slightly. "T-thanks."

"No problem, man!l he headed to the kitchen to get what he needed. "Want anything to drink while we wait?"

"U-uh no thanks, but thank you!" Evan said meekly, trying to disappear into the couch. He got out his phone and began scrolling through his pictures to pass the time. He didn't notice Michael creeping up behind him.

Or the rag in his hand.

Michael positioned himself directly behind Evan. Holding the rang in his right hand, he quickly shoved it in Evans face, and used his left hand to hold Evan down. 

After a few seconds, Evans struggling stopped, and he slumped on the couch. Michael smiled, pleased at himself, before going to grab the body and drag it to the back door.

The front door opened, and in walked Jeremy, looking down on his phone. "Sorry Micha, it's just the Evan texted me saying he was here and asking where I was, so-" he cut himself off when he finally looked up.

The two sat in a heavy silence before Michael broke it with his happy attitude.

"Hey baby! How's your day going?"

Jeremy paused, struggling to figure out what was happening.

"Is... is that Evan Hansen? IS HE DEAD?" Jeremy dropped all of his stuff and walked slowly, inching his way over to Michael.

"Wow, rude." Michael jokingly rolled his eyes. "Yes it's Evan. And no, he's not dead. He will be soon though!" Michael's smiled grew when he realized something.

"Hey, maybe you can help me! I'll let you do the fun part." He said winking.

"I-I-I, the fun part?"

"Yeah! You know, the," he adjusted the body so he could cut throats motion. "Chop? I'll even let you used me favorite knife~."

Jeremy hands started shaking a bit, but he ignored them. "Michael, you're scaring me."

"Baby, why? I'm just helping Evan out!"

"H-helping him?"

"Yeah! He said earlier that 'he wanted to go the same way Connor did'! I'm helping him. It's what he would want. But of course, people are weird sometimes. They say one thing, but then hours later they're like 'No please don't kill me, I don't want to die!'" Michael said in his high pitches voice before chucking. "People are weird. Anyway, do you want to help me?"

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