Tree Bros- Notes

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I'm changing Connor X Evan into tree bros from now on because it's quicker

Evan wasn't good with words. He could rehearse what he was about to saw a million times, and still mess up. He would stutter, or say something weird or-

Basically he wasn't good with words.

And Connor was okay with that. They were both fine with siting in silence, just happy to be next to each other. Maybe they would talk a bit, but if Evan wasn't up to talk, Connor wouldn't push him.

Evan knew that Connor loved him. He told him every chance he could. Evan, on the other hand, couldn't say those three words yet. He knew he would somehow mess up everything, so he just stayed quiet.

But Evan was quickly feeling like that wasn't enough.

He felt like if he didn't say those words fast enough, Connor might leave him. Probably soon. (Thanks Anxiety!!!)

Evan laid out his materials across his bedroom floor. If he wasn't confident enough to say it, maybe he could do something else...

The next morning, Connor opened his locker to find a bright green sticky note on top of his books.

Connor looked around confused, before he opened it and read it.

I love how comfy your hoodie is. What fabric softener does your mom use?
~Evan <3

Connor gave out a little chuckle before grabbing his books and closing the locker shut. He then headed to his class, getting weird looks by passerby's because of the small smile on his face.

"Hey, bro, Evan wanted me to give this to you. Also, get more milk today, will you?" Zoe handed him the note before walking off.

I love your hair. It's so long, and fluffy, and soft! And it makes me really happy when you let me play with it:)
~Evan <3

Connor smiled a bit more as he read the note. He'd have to let Evan mess with his hair more often.

"Hey Hot Topic! I've got something for you. Evan practically begged me to give it to you." Jared pulled out a small green sticky note, handing it to the taller boy.

Connor quickly snatched it up, reading the beautiful words.

I love your eyes. They're so expressive, and so wonderful. I think I could get lost in them forever.
~Evan <3

"Aww look! He even signed with a little heart! That much be true love!" Jared poked at Connor.

Connor let out a low growl, carefully placing the note in his pocket.

Connor loved the notes, but he realized he hadn't seen his boyfriend all day and was getting worried.

"Alana! Hey, do you know where Hansen is?" He rushed up to his mom friend.

She quickly turned around, sighing in relief when she saw it was Connor. "Oh, there you are! And I've seen Evan, and he told me to give you this!"

I love how caring you are. You don't ever make fun of my anxiety, or try to put me in situations where I'd feel uncomfortable. Thank you.
~Evan <3 (p.s, come to my house after school)

As soon as the final bell rang, Connor raced out to his car, driving quickly to Evans.

Once he got out, he saw a note on the door that read, come in Connor, the door is open!

He opened the door, and turned on the light to see hundreds of little green notes scattering the floor. In the middle of it all, as a small, shaking boy.

"Evan! What's wrong? Are you okay? Baby, talk to me." Connor rushed over to Evan, only to have Evan stick his hand out, stopping him.

Closing his eyes, Evan started.

"I wrote all of the notes to show you how much I c-care. S-some of them are memories, o-or my favorite quotes you've said, b-but a-all of them are for one thing."

Evan took a deep breath, his face blushing bright red.

"I love you Connor Murphy." Evan said, with no stuttering, and confidence in his voice. "And I always will."

Connor broke out into the biggest smile Evans ever seen, and kissed him with soft passion. "I'm so proud of you, Hansen. I love you so much."

Idea from a DEH head-cannon thing I found!

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