Kleinsen- You matter to me

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Requested by: @NerdiestKat
Warning:curse words and panic attacks.

Jared was just about to beat level 14 of his game when he was so rudely interrupted by the doorbell ringing over and over again.

He groaned before pausing the game and standing up to stretch. "Coming! Hold your god damn horses, geez."

He finally made it to the door, and swung it open. "What the hell do you-". He stopped himself when he saw the desperate looking boy in front of him.


Evan let out a shaky sob as he nodded. "C-c-con con h-he he-".

Jared grabbed the boy and put him inside before shutting the door and dragging Evan upstairs to his bedroom.

"Sit. Spill."

Evan broke down into tears and his breathing started going out of control. He curled himself into a ball sobs racked his body, and he started hyperventilating. He looked like he was trying to control his breathing, but couldn't, gasping for air.

Shit. Shit, uh, um? Jared panicked, trying to remember everything he had learned to help his crush. Oh! Jared sat down closer to him, but far enough away so it wouldn't freak Evan out more.

"Evan, I need you to try and match my breathing, okay?" Evan slightly nodded as he unwrapped himself and slowly reached an arm out. Jared tried to control his heart rate.

"Good. You're doing so well. Now, breath with me, okay?"

Jared took a deep breath in and out as Evan tried to as well. Evans breath wasn't nearly as deep, but it was better than before.

"Perfect. You're doing so well. Again."

Eventually Evans breathing became more normal. Once Jared felt like he was okay enough, he got up and grabbed one of the fidget spinners he had and gave it to Evan. Evan happily took it and used it to help him calm down more.

"So... can we talk, tree boy?" Evan instantly stiffened.

"We don't have to, if you don't want to, but-".

"I-I-I c-can tell yo-you." Evan took a breath, trying to calm himself more. "I um, I went to Connor's house? A-and I-he he said that he doesn't want to be w-with m-me anymore? A-and I guess, I guess I get it? I-I was stupid to think t-that someone could love me. I-I'm just a stupid, fat, anxious boy. W-who c-could ever l-love me?" More tears fell down his ready damp face.

"Did Connor say those things to you?" Jared's face flushed with anger towards the tall emo. How could someone just dump Evan Hansen? And so cruelly!

"N-not all of it."

Jared leaned in closer to Evan, and Evan melted into his chest, thankful for contact after his attack. He listened to Jared's heartbeat as it almost lulled him to sleep, but he still had a question on his mind.

"Why are you... being... so nice?"

"I... uh." Should he tell him? This could ruin their friendship. Jared's only friendship... Fuck it.

"I'm kinda in love with you and have been since middle school? And I uh, think you're really smart, and beautiful, and just over all amazing. But no homo." He nervously chuckled and leaned back a bit to rest on his hands.

"Y-you really think that?"

Jared hummed back in response, without looking at Evan in fear of rejection. He was already regretting telling him, but it was too late.

"I-I mean, yeah? I guess I kinda love you, but it's all good if you don't like me. I wouldn't like me either. I mean, I'm-" Jared was cut off by Evan kissing Jared's lips gently. Jared was shocked, but leaned more into the kiss, making Evan melt more into his arms.

Eventually they pulled back, both boys lips were red and swollen.

"Was that... okay?"

"Evan, that was amazing." Jared leaned in and kissed his nose, making Evan giggle and crinkle his nose.

"Why do you love me?" Evan asked.

"Because." Jared paused, leaning in to kiss him once more.

"You're the rarest pepe, baby."

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