Kleinsen- Princes pt2

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Sorry Tree Bros fans, but a ton of peeps asked for Kleinsen

Evan woke up to the door creaking open. Evan sat up, looking wearily at the door.

"Sorry." Jared whispered, going to shut the door.

"Wait!" Evan whispered, carefully getting off of the bed. He slipped out of the room, shutting the door behind him quietly.

"So..." Jared coughed. "Uh, how was Connor?"

"What?" Evan asked. After a few moments, his face turned bright red. "Oh god no, no, we didn't, no."

Jared chuckled, ignoring his sigh of relief. "So what did you two do?"

"Oh, uh, I explained to him how horrible he's been acting, and I think, I mean, I tried to put him in his place, and-"

"Wait," Jared stopped, surprised. "You talked back to Connor? No ones talked back to him. Ever."

"Yeah, it, uh, it shows." Jared chuckled.

"So... your wedding is today..." Jared trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Oh." Maybe Jared was just imagining it, but it seemed like Evan was... disappointed. "Yeah, I uh, I guess it is."

"Aren't you excited? Like, free food man." Evan dryly chuckled.

"Free food, but an eternity of imprisonment." Evan sighed, moving towards the kitchens. "Come on, let's go see if we can help out in the kitchen."

Jared nodded, and moved so he was standing right beside Evan.

Both of their hands twitched, seemingly unaware of the other. Their hands brushed against each other, their faces flushed red.

Evan took the final step, wrapping his fingers around Jared's.

They had big, goofy grins on their faces, enjoying the peace together before they stepped into the chaotic kitchen.

The priest droned on in a monotone voice, and Evan struggled to stay awake.

The only thing keeping him going was Jared 'cleaning' around the venue. Jared winked at him, and Evan gave a weak smile back.

"-do you, Evan Hansen, take Connor Murphy to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

More like awfully wedded. Evan thought. "I do."

"Do you, Connor Murphy, do you, take Evan Hansen to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

The kingdom seemed to hold their breath as Connor breathed out the words. "I do."

A collective sigh was heard from all around, and Evan silently pleaded with Jared to do something.

"-are there any objections to these two men to be happily wedded?" The priest asked. "Speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Jared's hands shook as willed himself to speak. He needed to stop this. For Evan. For Ev-

"I object!"

The room was filled with loud gasps as he objected.

"I... I can't do this." Evan shook his head, taking his hands back from Connor. "We shouldn't have to be like this. Yes, our kingdoms fight, but do we really have to have an arranged wedding to solve that?" Evan asked the people.

"I'm not in love with Connor. He potentially, I mean, he could be a nice guy, but we aren't meant to be. His kingdom is so kind, and I've met so many people from being over here for a week. But you can't force love on someone, and I hope that we can just help open your eyes to see how amazing everyone here is."

Evan took a deep breath, trying to steady his hands. "I'm. I'm sorry everyone. I truly do want peace to come to our kingdoms, but arranged marriage isn't the way to do it."

The crowd was silent, waiting for a reaction. Whatever it was, good or bad, the crowd would follow.

Queen Heidi slowly stood up, and began clapping loudly for her son.

Evan let it the breath he'd been holding, smiling happily at his mom.

Others stood up and joined the clapping, and soon enough the whole crowd was clapping and screaming their approval.

Evan smiled wide, glancing down at the crowd. He scanned the room, looking to see that one face.

And when he saw Jared, smiling wider than he had seen him smile before, he knew that it had been worth it.

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