Boyf Riends- Sing!

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I saw a head-cannon thing where Michael sings to Jeremy so

Also it's like, hella short, sorry

Jeremy leaned back into Michael's chest, his eyes fluttering shut, but not fully being asleep yet. . His DS slid out of his hands and onto the floor, but Jeremy didn't bother to pick it up.

Michael smiled and set his DS on the floor, letting Jeremy cuddle into him more. He began to softly hum random tunes that came to mind to help his boyfriend sleep.

"Boy you've got me helpless, look into your eyes and the sky's the limit..."

Michael softly sang, smiling. He dragged on the song, and he could feel Jeremy smiling into his chest. Jeremy buried his face further into Michael's chest so he wouldn't see how red his face was getting.

Michael knew the effect he had on Jeremy, and he loved it. As the song started to fade out, he began singing another song.

"I know Seymour's the greatest, but I'm dating a semi-sadist..."

Jeremy lightly chucked as the song, his blush fading away as the words flowed through his ears. He softly hummed back, enjoying the peace.

Seeing how at peace Jeremy was, Michael decided to ruin it. But how?

What song would mess Jeremy up?

"Lick lick, I wanna eat your-"

"No! Not that song!" Jeremy jumped up slightly. "You're a meme."

Jeremy glared at Michael before sliding back into his original position. "Just, can you like, sing another musical song? Those are always pretty."

"Do you mean... they're always beautiful?"

"Just please sing." Jeremy gave Michael his best puppy dog eyes, and Michael almost felt bad for what song he was about to sing.


"Sorry but I really had to wake you."

Jeremy smiled at the soft words. He didn't know this song, but it sounded sweet.

"See I decided I must ride you till I break you!"


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