Boyf Riends- Stranger Things

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Requested by @ciferous

Stranger things AU, where basically Jeremy is Eleven, Michael is Mike, and Rich is Will.

Spoilers if you haven't seen the first season

"Rich!"  Rich's name scattered all over the woods with no reply. "Rich!"

"Guys, I really think we should turn back."

"Seriously, Christine?" Michael yelled through the poring rain.

"If you want to be a baby, then go home already. We can find Rich ourselves." Jake replied, flashing his light around.

"I'm just being realistic, Jake!" Jake didn't reply, instead rolling his eyes.

After a few breaths, Christine continued. "Do you ever think that Rich went missing because of something bad? And we're going in the exact same spot where he was last seen?"

The group ignored her, so she tried again. "We don't even have any weapons!"

"Christine, shut up." Michael paused in his walking.

"I'm being serious-"

"Shut up!" Michael whispered, louder. He looked around at his friends. "Do you guys hear that?"

The group flashed their lights over to a clump of trees, trying to look for the source of the sound.

The sound of leaves crunching could be heard from behind the group, scaring them as they turned around.

In front of them, stood a boy in a long, blue shirt. His head was shaved, and he looked... scared.

Michael couldn't stop looking at him. Even though he seemed... different, Michael had the urge to... protect him.

Save him. From... something.

"Do you have your parents number? Maybe so we can call them?" "Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" "Did you run away?" "Is that blood?" The group bombarded the boy with questions, not pausing to let him answer.

"Guys, shut up, you're freaking him out!"

"Michael, he's freaking me out." Jake crossed his arms, glaring at the boy. "I don't trust him."

"He's probably just... scared and cold, okay guys? Give him some space." Michael took off his red hoodie, handing it over to the boy.

He kneeled down in front of him. "Are you in trouble?" He asked softly.

The boy paused, before softly answering. "Yes."

"So he does speak." Jake mumbled loudly.

"What's your name?" Michael asked, ignoring the loud group behind him.

There was a strong tension in the air, as the boy silently lifted his arm.

Turning it towards the others, he showed them the 012 on his arm.

"That's... that's your name?" Jake asked. "Wow. Your parents must hate you."

"Uh, not to be rude or anything, but like, can we call you something else? You know, like... Jared, or Jeremy, or uh-"

"Jeremy." The boy said, concentration on his face.

"Jeremy. I, I like it." Michael smiled, looking only at Jeremy. 

"I'm, uh, we're going to protect you, Jeremy." Michael said, grabbing Jeremy's cold hands. "I promise."

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