Boyf Riends- Fall Date (A Maze)

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I should be posting pt3 of Hair stylist, or pt5 of Swap AU, or doing requests...But... October...

Jeremy tugged his sweater down further. "Remind me again what we're doing, going out in freezing temperatures?"

"Oh relax whiny baby," Michael laughed as Jeremy tried to warm himself up with his car heater. "It's not that bad out. It's only like, 68'!"

Jeremy stuttered. "Only 68?" He leaned back into his seat. "Ugh."

"Will you stop whining if I get you hot chocolate? Or maybe...a pumpkin spice?" Jeremy perked up a bit, trying to seem uninterested.


Michael let out a soft chuckle, turning the car around. "Okay, then we are heading straight to the pumpkin patch, okay?"

Jeremy snickered. "I didn't think you could do anything straight, Micha."

Michael rolled his eyes, but laughed. "Okay, that was a good one."

One hot chocolate and one pumpkin spice later, the two boys made it to the pumpkin patch.

Jeremy eager stumbled out of the car, excitedly rushing towards the pumpkins.

"Hold on Jeremy!" Michael yelled, locking his car up. He placed the keys in his pocket, and slowly walked to Jeremy.

"Oh my god. Hurry up." Jeremy rolled his eyes, meeting Michael half way. With his free hand, he grabbed onto Michael's hand, placing a gentle kiss.

Michael chuckled, pulling Jeremy into the patch, being carful to not step on a pumpkin.

"Okay, so like, I was thinking..." Michael trailed off, and Jeremy looked at him expectingly. "Why don't we get the pumpkin at the end? That way we don't have to carry it through the maze? I've got tickets for that anyway."


"Yeah!" Michael pointed to the corn field off in the distance. "I was thinking we could like, race each other? You know, who escapes first wins?"

"Wins what?" Jeremy asked, placing a hand on his hip.

Michael pretended to think. "The person who wins... gets to be player one when we get home."

"Deal!" Michael smirked and grabbed Jeremy's hand, pulling his towards the maze. They threw away their drinks, and Michael handed their tickets to the lady running it. Both went to different entrances, each having a plan on how to win.

"Count of three. One, two, Three!" Michael yelled, and both boys sprinted off.

Michael didn't even bother with the trails. Instead he just sprinted straight through the obstacles, knowing Jeremy would never do that.

Once he reached the end, he heard someone fall onto the ground. Looking over, he saw Jeremy, struggling to get up, panting.

The boys made eye contact, and both realized what the other had done.

Both boys yelled at the same time, but Michael's voice boomed over his boyfriends. "You cheated!"

"-you cheated first!" They pretended to be angry for a few more seconds, before  they burst out in laughter.

Michael went over and helped Jeremy up. Jeremy giggled at how red they both were from sprinting.

"S-S-so," Jeremy asked, still trying to catch his breath.

"D-do I, do I get to be player one?" He asked, hopeful.

Michael smiled, gently kissing his boyfriends lips. "Absolutely not."

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