Boyf Riends-Little Mermaid pt2

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Jeremy nervously laughed at the plate of food in front of him. He couldn't just eat his kind, but he also didn't want to seem weird in front of the beautiful prince.

"Jeremy? What's wrong?"

What do I say? I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you I'm a vegetarian. That should get you out of this.

"I-I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, I'm a... vegetarian?" Jeremy's statement came out like a question.

"Oh, dude, in sorry!" Michael snapped his fingers, and the tray in front of both of their plates were taken away.

Huh. He took his plate away too.

His what?

Plate. The thing he was eating off of. Thank him for that.

"Oh, uh, you didn't have to take away your plate... but uh, thank you."

"Hey, it's no problem. I eat that stuff like, every day anyway."

The servers came back with plates of... something.

"Meat free Lumpias. I hope you two will enjoy." The waiter smiled, placing the food in front of them both.

Jeremy waited for Michael to take a bite before he bit into it as well. When he did, he was welcomed with new and exciting flavors that he had never tried before. They burst in his mouth, and he hiked in approval.

Hearing a soft chuckle, Jeremy turned towards the prince. Michael was quietly watching Jeremy, a smile on his face with how adorable Jeremey was being.

"I'll take it you haven't had lumpias before?"

Jeremy shook his head. "I hadn't even heard of them before."

Michael smiled. "Yeah, they're from my grandparents home land. It's one of my favorites."

Michael continued to talk, happy he finally had someone who would listen to him.

And Jeremy was happy to finally be close to his prince.

Michael and Jeremy sat together on Michael's bedroom floor, playing what Michael called 'a Video game'.

"Jeremy, you suck at this game." Michael threw some of the popcorn at Jeremy's head.

"I'm sorry!" Jeremy said, laughing a bit. "It's just really hard!"

"Oh yeah?" Michael wiggled hie eyebrows.

He just made a penis joke. Laugh a bit and push him away.

Jeremy's face went red as he chuckled and pushed Michael away.

Michael laughed and stood up. "Hey, do you have to be home at any certain time? I know I like, kinda kidnapped you and all."

No, don't worry. I don't like, ever have to be home.

Jeremy repeated what the Squip said.

"Whys that? Don't your parents want you home?"

Jeremy shrugged and looked away.

"Well then, its settled. You're staying with me for a while." Both boys smiled at each other before Michael quickly stood up and moved towards his closet.

"You probably need something to wear that isn't a dress. Here." Michael pulled out shorts and a baggy shirt. "This should fit you." He motioned towards the bedroom door.

The bathroom is down the hall, the second one on your... right? Yeah that sounds right. Um, just change in there."

Jeremy nodded and left the room, following the Squips instructions on how to get there.

Alright, it's this door.

Jeremy walked in, and closed the door behind him.

Okay, now quickly change so we can get back to flirting with the prince.


Yes. You were flirting. And actually doing pretty well, might I add!

The Squip stopped when they heard voices coming down the hall.

"...yeah, I like that new boy. The prince seems to like him too!"

"Yes. They would be so perfect for each other. I've never seen him so happy!"

"Yes!" A third voice popped in. "But, you know how the King would feel about Michael marrying a non-royal!"

Once the voices couldn't be heard anymore, the Squip piped up.

So... it seems like we will need to convince Michael's father, along with Michael himself.

The Squip talked Jeremy through the plan, and when they were ready, Jeremy walked back to Michael's room, ready for the Squips instructions.

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