Kleinsen- Sound the Alarms

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Evan tapped his fingers against his leg, looking intently at the clock in front of the classroom.

Two more minutes.

Two more minutes until he gets to see Jared for the rest of the day.

The teacher continued to talk in a monotone voice, not paying attention to the kids packing up.

One minute. One more minute. Evan breathed out. He could do this.

Suddenly, a loud alarm went off in their room, making the other students freeze. They covered their ears and began to yell loudly, confused.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now on lockdown. There is a suspect in the area. Teachers, close your blinds and turn off your lights."

Groans came from the students, but Evan just let out a little squeak of worry as he put his head down on his desk. I can't make it that long. I need Jared. I need Jared. I need Jared.

One more minute until I can see him. Jared tapped his phone impatiently, ready to get out of this hell hole and into Evans arms.

A loud alarm blasted in the room, and instantly Jared thought about Evan.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now on lockdown. There is a suspect in the area. Teachers, close your blinds and turn off your lights."

The teacher went to do as they were instructed, and Jared's hand instantly shot up to the sky.

"Ma'am? May I go pee? Boy problems, you know." The teacher rolled her eyes, dismissing him.

"Just come back quickly."

Jared nodded with no intention of coming back quickly. He grabbed his backpack and raced out the door, running instinctively to Evans classroom.

He threw open the door of Evans classroom, earning a scream of shock from the class. They quickly went back to casually talking when they saw it was just Jared.

"Hey Ev. It's me. I'm right here." Jared mumbled softly, kneeling next to Evan. Jared drew circles into Evans back, trying to calm him down more. "Hey, it's going to be okay."

Evan nodded his head, not looking up at Jared. Jared sat down on the chair next to Evan, pulling Evan closer to his chest.

Evan collapsed in his arms, thankful for his awesome boyfriend.

Another alarm went off, and Jared instantly covered Evans ears.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the suspect has been caught. Students can now be released." Cheers erupted in the classroom as the kids rushed to get out.

"Okay Ev. You ready to go home and watch cheesy movies?" Jared gently smiled at Evan, taking his hand and his backpack. "Super chill night, because, like, duh."

Evan chuckled slightly. He took a deep breath, and the two walked in a peaceful silence to Jared car.

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