Tree Bros- Harry Potter AU pt2

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Low key angst?

Evan hated Defense Against the Dark Arts, and today wasn't an exception.

In fact, he probably hated it more today.

Professor Lupin was having everyone face their biggest fears with Boggarts.

In front of all of his classmates.

With no privacy. Great!

Evan stood near the end of the line, hoping that maybe he would run out of time, and he wouldn't get to do anything, but as the line got shorter and shorter, he was starting to panic again.

Finally, it came done to his turn. Raising his wand, he prepared himself to face whatever was going to come out of that closet. Hopefully it wouldn't be something too embarrassing, like that one girl who got a failing grade for her boggart.

Professor Lupin nodded his head in encouragement, before carefully opening the door. Evan wasn't prepared for the thing that stepped out.

Out came Connor, dressed in his typical school clothes. His long hair swayed as he walked over to Evan, with an evil smirk on his face.

"Evan's afraid of Connor?" "Wait until Connor hears this!" "Aren't they dating?"

Evan could hear everything they said, and his panic level was rising. He wasn't afraid of Connor! So why did he come out of the closet?

"Hey babe." Connor laughed. "Fun fact of the day, I don't like you. I never did. You're a worthless piece of shit. You're to anxious all the time, you worry to much, you're too clingy..." Connor trailed off. "There's just so many things! Where to start... Oh! I only started dating you because I felt bad for you. I mean, who doesn't? You're ugly-" with each next word, Connor stepped closer to Evan.

"Fat." Evan started shaking as he stepped away from Connor.

"Stupid." Tears pored down Evans face. 

"And most of all, worthless! You're so, so worthless. I feel bad for you. Maybe-"

Connor was cut off by Professor Lupin yelling "Riddikulus!"

Connor was instantly dressed in a big, pink flower dress and tight curls in his hair as Lupid shoved him back in the closet. The slammed door 'woke' Evan up, and instantly Evan broke down on the floor.

He couldn't breath. All he could think about were Connor's worlds.

He vaguely heard Jared and some of his other classmates run out the door, but at this point he assumed it was because they didn't want to be around someone like him.

Professor Lupin tried to calm Evan down, but there was only so much he could do without Connor.


Connor ran into the room as quickly as he could. When he saw Evan, his heart shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't believe Evan would cry this much over him.

"Evan? Sweetheart? What happened?" Connor kneeled down next to him and rubbed his back, comfortingly.

"I-I-you! Y-you hate m-me a-and said I'm ugly a-and worthless and-" Evan managed to chock out before sobbing again.

"Honey, no, no you're not any of that! No, you're the most wonderful, beautiful, caring person I know. Okay? I love you so much. You mean the world to me, and I want you to be happy." Evan buried himself in Connor's chest, desperately hanging onto him.

Connor picked Evan up bridal style and carried him out into the hallway, away from watchful eyes. Carefully, he placed him down, and began to kiss every available part.

"You're wonderful." He kissed Evans nose.

"You're beautiful." Evans forehead.

"But most of all, you're important." Connor kissed Evans lips, with enough passion to show that Connor wasn't faking it. Evan smiled into the kiss before pulling away. "I-I- I love you, Connor Murphy."

"I love you so much more, Evan Hansen."

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