Boyfs- It's November, chill.

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Another meme chapter bc why not

Jeremy sat down next to Michael without saying a word, and began to eat his lunch.

Michael eventually looking up from his DS. "Hey babe-" He stopped himself once he saw Jeremy's lunch. "What the hell?"

"What?" Jeremy asked like having a Christmas themed lunch was normal. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

Michael was still trying to process Jeremy's antics when Jeremy pulled out two thermoses. He slid one over to Michael, unscrewing his own lid and taking a huge sip.

"I swear to god Jeremy, if this is peppermint hot chocolate-" Michael smelled the liquid. "And it totally is. Jeremy, you realized it's November, right? And you're Jewish."

"You're not."

Michael rolled his eyes. "That's not what I said."

Jeremy ignored him, taking a bite of a Christmas cookie.

"Jeremy, you're holiday obsession is going too far."

"Um, it's not far enough." Michael tried to looked up at Christine, and was almost blinded by her sweater.

"Jesus Christ, Christine. Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet!"

"So?" She asked, placing her lunch kit on the table.

"So, you guys are just like, going to ignore thanksgiving?"

Jeremy and Christine made eye contact, and in sync they both agreed.


Michael rolled his eyes, getting up to throw his slushie away. "You guys need to go to Christmas therapy or something. This is ridiculous!"

"Um, are you saying something bad about our lord and savior, Santa Clause?" Michael turned and sighed seeing rich and Jake decked out in matching Christmas sweaters.

"Yeah, wanna fight?" Rich added.

"Guys! It's literally November! Chill with your religious holidays!" Michael tried to protest, but the group had gathered around Jeremy and Christine.


The group turned back to face Michael, each of them with an evil look in their eyes. Michael tried to back up, but he landed right in Brooke and Chloe's arms.

"Guys?" Michael tried again, but the group just inched closer to him. In Christine's arms, Michael realized, was a huge, ugly Christmas sweater.

"No way. No way am I wearing that, no way." Michael struggled against the girls arms, but they held him tight.

"I've got his sweater!" Jenna took off his hoodie, throwing it to Jake for protection.

Christine handed Jeremy the sweater, and he struggled to get it over his boyfriends head. Eventually, he succeeded, and Rich handed him the mistletoe.

Jenna snapped a picture just as Jeremy kissed Michael on the cheek.

"Welcome to the Christmas Club, loser."

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