Boyf Riends- Spider-Man Au pt4

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Michael woke up, without feeling a warmth near him. He tried to move closer to Jeremy's side, but Jeremy wasn't there. He groggily opened his eyes, and by his window he saw Spider-Man almost fully out.


Jeremy paused, sighed, and closed the window.

"Jeremy, you're still hurt. Come lay with me longer." Michael tried to reach Jeremy, but to no avail. ""

Jeremy took of his mask, and carefully sat down at the edge of Michael's bed. He wouldn't look at Michael's eyes as he said. "It's not over."

"What's not over?"

Jeremy finally looked up, and Michael could see the tears running down his face. "He's back. I have to stop him." Michael leaned forward and brushed his tears away, kissing him lightly.

"I... I know you have to stop him. He's a bad guy, and you're Spider-Man. But...  I fell in love with Jeremy, and I don't want him to get hurt."

Michael pulled Jeremy's mask over his boyfriends head. "Spider-Man, will you protect my love? I know you're busy, but he means the world to me."

Jeremy lightly chucked, tears forming in his eyes. "Of course, but I'll have you know, he told me to protect you."

"That sounds like something he would do." Michael stood up and walked towards the window. He opened it, and moved to the side. "Find the bad guy for me, okay Spider-Man? And if you need any help... I'll be here..."

Jeremy nodded. He walked towards the window before he quickly took off his mask and kissed Michael.

Michael melted at the protective touch, but inside he was dying.

Jeremy was kissing him like he might never kiss him again.

Jeremy didn't know if he would come back.

Jeremy sat on the edge of a building, planning The Squip's demise.

Last time by destroying all of the Squips, it left The Squip in computer chips and ashes. But, he'd gotten a text from his dad telling him to stay indoors today because of something happening on Main Street.

Well, the Mountain Dew Red definitely worked better than the Squip thing, but it never fully destroyed him.

Then again... he never actually got it in their mouth... maybe that would work. He couldn't just hold the bottle, so he'd have to work it into the webbing he used.

He'd have to find some Mountain Dew Red, and fast. And, he couldn't forget about his Squiped classmates, Rich and Jenna.

Jeremy looked down on Main Street with his shooters full of his special Mountain Dew Red webbing, armed and ready for this attack. He'd actually planned how he would attack, and how he would even get the drink down.

He just didn't plan on Michael being there, and trying to be a supportive boyfriend. He didn't plan on everything he'd planned, being changed.

Jeremy swung into The Squip's building silently, and just as silently, Michael did too.

"Ah, Spider-Man. So glad you could make it!"

An electronic cage trapped Spider-Man. When he tired to get out, it would shock him. The Squip laughed at his pain.

"What, you don't like that? I'm shocked, really I am."

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