Tree Bros- Fight For Me pt3

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Reminder that the movie JD and musical JD are different
Warning: Violence and death

Evan hated this. He wanted Jared back. He wanted a happy, understanding relationship where he wasn't afraid of his boyfriend. He wanted to be able to tell someone about Connor, without fearing for their life.

Evan wanted to end this. He couldn't just stand around while Connor just-

He ran his available hand threw his hair, trying to catch his breath. He didn't want to have another panic attack near Connor. Last time that happened...

Let's just say, it wasn't pretty.

Eventually, Evans breathing calmed down enough to where if Connor saw him, he wouldn't say anything. And just in time, too.

"Hey baby." Connor kissed Evans cheek before plopping down on his couch. Evan hugged his knees to his chest, subconsciously trying to get away from Connor.

"So, was there a movie you wanted to watch?" Connor asked, ignoring the anxiety radiating off of Evan.

"Uh, a-actually, yes." Evan paused, trying to build up some confidence. "Heathers. I-I think you'll, um, relate to J.D very, uh, well."

Connor stared at the tv, not breaking eye contact with it before finally speaking. "And why would you say that? Because of the killings?"

Evan could feel the anger pouring out of Connor, but he couldn't say anything to stop it.

"Is that it? Because I did those killings for you. J.D. did them for himself. He doesn't love Veronica like I love you!" Connor stood up, and Evan crouched back, but Connor wasn't looking at him.

"You think that I'm some kind of, messed up villain, right? Bent on killing anyone, Right?" Connors voice rose in anger.

"I did it for you, Evan! To protect you!" He screamed, silently pleading for Evan to understand. He turned his head to look at Evan, and his heart dropped into the bottom oh his chest when he saw how scared Evan was.

"Evan," his voice became much softer and sweeter than it had been a few seconds ago. "Evan, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He reached his hand out to Evan, but Evan just flicked back, like his touch was fire.

He instantly shrunk back, and moved behind the couch, away from Evan.

"I... I'm sorry." He ran in the kitchen, falling onto the floor, mumbling to himself. "I shouldn't have done that. He hates me. I shouldn't have done that."

His eyes were glazed over, but even in that state, he could still see the sliver, glittering object on the kitchen counter.

Slowly, he raised himself off of the floor. He grabbed the paper and pen from the fridge, and scribbled out a short note.

He turned back towards the sharp object he had seen earlier. The object seemingly placed itself in his hands. It felt so familiar, yet so... different this time.

Was he really going to do this?

His answer was in the soft whimpers he could hear coming from the couch.

Yes. Yes he should do this.

He would do anything for Evan.


And those were his final thoughts as the knife pierced his skin, and his body collapsed into a pool of red. It created a halo around him, as if he were a fallen angel, ripped from his wings.

The note laid beside him, greeting the person it was meant for.

Dear Evan Hansen,

I did this for you.

Sincerely, me.

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