Kleinsen- Disappear

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Requested by @skystorm777

Warnings: Evan is self-conscious and doubts himself, Jared's accidentally a jerk, pretty angsty

"Damn. Look at that. I'd tap that. See Evan? That's what everyone wants to look like."

Evan lightly laughed, but couldn't help but cover his body at the remark Jared had made. Evan dropped his gaze with Jared, tears brimming his eyes.

Jared stopped laughing, and Evans ears rang with the pleading question he didn't want to answer. "Hey, you okay?"

"Y-yeah, no, I'm fine." Evan smiled, trying to make himself happy smaller. He sucked in a breath, not releasing it until Jared and turned away.

Jared rolled his eyes and continued to talk, only now he didn't look at Evan. Jared ignored Evans pain, racking his brain for anything, anything else to talk about.

Jared walked Evan home with an awkward tension in the dark air. Evan swam in it, and Jared ignored it; pushing it aside as easily as he pushed Evan away.

Jared Kleinman loved Evan Hansen.

He was the best thing that ever happened to Jared, and ever would happen to Jared. Evan Hansen was so kind, smart , and actually cared about Jared.

So what did Jared do?

Push him away.

It was the only thing Jared knew. Jared was absolutely horrible with feelings. No matter how much he loved Evan, he could never show it, let alone tell him. Jared would rather never have feelings then have his broken, so Jared always kept quiet about the his feelings.

He could only guess that Evan was upset about something involving him, and he did not want to mess with that.

Not right now, anyway.

Jared stood longingly at Evans front door, almost walking away before he heard light sobs.


Jared started to turn back towards the door, before stopping himself.

No. Evan doesn't want me.

Jared turned back to his car, driving far, far away from where he needed to be.

Evan choked on his sobs as he looked angrily at his body.

His anxious mind raced with horrible accusations about himself and why Jared could never love him.

Evan shook lightly as he fell to the floor, sobs racking his body. He fell into cradle position, where he would stay until the morning.

Jared could never love him back. Who could love a failure like him?

Who could ever love Evan?

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