Tree Bros- Bad at Love

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Requested by @ThatSpacePotato

Warnings: sexual things mentioned, but nothing actually happens

Evan walked down the hallway, avoiding everyone's pitied glances.

Word spread fast.

Evan just wanted to get out of the building, but just as he was almost at the door, he got bombarded with questions.

"Is if true? About Connor?" "I'm so sorry." "Wow, what a dick. Literally." "I can't believe this!" "This is so going on twitter."

Evan tried to escape, but the swarm of kids had him trapped. He was looking for an escape, when Jared roughly grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the crown.

Jared didn't talk to Evan until they were safely outside, and right next to Evans car. "Hey, you okay?"

Evan started to nod, but he forcefully shook his head.

"Well, uh, if it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure those boys were lying about Connor blowing them."

Evan winced at how blunt Jared was. "Uh, I mean, yeah, but it uh, could, it could be true, and I just..." Evan trailed off, looking down at his hands.

"Hey," Jared gently placed a hand on Evans shoulder. "Connors a good guy, Evan. He'd tell you either way."

"Evan! Evan, please!"

"Speak of the devil." Jared mumbled under his breath. Louder, he whispered to Evan. "Hey, if you need me, I'll only be a few streets over."

Jared walked away, glancing warily Connor.

"Evan! It's not true. I swear it's not." Evan didn't look up. "Baby?"

"I know, I know, it's just..."

"Just what? What's wrong?" Connor stepped closer to Evan, but Evan took a step back. Connor flinched back, upset with himself.

"I... I know you didn't. It's just, uh, after your sister... um, cheated, I've just um, been on edge? And, I'm sorry."

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about," Connor lightly stepped forward, wiping a tear away. "I would never do that to you, okay? I love you way to much to do that."

Evan lightly chuckled, still looking down.

"Hey." Connor started.

Evan glanced up at Connor. "Y-yeah?"

"I love you, okay? Not those dicks. They just feel sorry for themselves." Connor cracked his knuckles. "But they don't have any idea what-"

Evan placed a light hand on Connors arm, stopping him mid sentence.

"...tomorrow. I'll... talk to them tomorrow."

Evan smiled, nodding his head. Connor smirked, kissing Evan gently on his head.

"But for now, I need to watch a movie with my beautiful boyfriend." Evan happily smiled, taking Connors hand and leading him towards the car for a peaceful, romantic movie night

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