Kleinsen- Duchy Boyfriend

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Warning: Angst (kinda?), drug mentions, a bit of violence, and... Connor is a jerk. I'm sorry, I really do like Connor, but it was just easier to write him like this.

I'll be doing Tree Bros again soon, but I might do one more Kleinsen. Thank you!

Evan lightly knocked on Connor's bedroom door.

"C-c-Connor? I-I-I brought some popcorn for movie night? Y-you didn't come over, so I came here but if you want me to leave, I can leave, it's okay."

Just as Evan was about to leave, the door slammed open.

"C-c-Connor? Are you okay?" He started coughing as Connor blew a cloud of smoke in his face before walking away from the doorway. Evan waved his arm in front of his face to try to clear the air.

"Uh, h-h-have you been smoking?"

"Take a wild guess hot stuff." Connor laughed as Evan coughed again. "Why'd you come here, anyway?"

"I-I-I uh, brought popcorn? For m-movie night?"

"Oh right," Connor took another hit and blew out. "That thing. Listen, I don't think I'm up for tonight babe, maybe next time?"

Evan looked down as his feet as a tear fell. "O-oh, okay. I understand." He walked out of the door, blaming himself for Connor drifting away.

"He's just! I don't know? Uh-"

"Druggy who's too screwed up for his boyfriend and abusing him? Yeah. This is the fourth time this week he's ditched you, Evan. Stand up for yourself, will yah?" Jared sat on Evans bed, watching Evan pacing holt.

"J-J-Jared I-I wouldn't say he's abusing me-"

"You've asked him to stop smoking near you, right?"

"Right, but-"

"And he's been ditching you, right?"

"Y-yeah but-"

"He's ignoring you at school too, right?"

"He just wants to protect me-"

"From who, Hansen? Because it seems like he's just protecting himself."

"Why do you even care, Jared? It's not like it really matters to y-you..." Evan sat back down on his bed. Jared ran his hands through his hair. Should he tell him?

Evan walked confidently up to Connor Murphy in the hallway, just like he and Jared had practiced over the weekend.

Connor slammed his locker door, then turned in surprise at Evan. "Evan? You shouldn't be near me." He lowers his voice to a whisper. "Not here."

Evan's facade of confidence broke before he quickly put it back up. "Actually, I should."

From behind, he could see Jared getting closer, and Evan sucked in a breath, preparing himself.

"Connor, we aren't going to work out."

"What?" Connor growled. "Evan, what the hell."

"He's not done yet, Hot Topic. Let him finish." Jared stepped closer to Evan and put his arm around his hip.

"Are you cheating on me?"

"It's not cheating if you two aren't together." Jared growled back.

"I wasn't talking to you." Connor faced Evan with a Cheshire Cat looking grin. "Now, baby, what were you going to say to me?"

"I-I-I'm breaking up with you?" His confidence was fading fast at how long this was taking.

"You don't sound confident. Are you sure about that, sweetheart?"

Evan shuddered and closed his eyes, keying everything out in one breath. "Y-yes. Yes, I'm breaking up with you. You're a jerk to me, and you don't seem to care about me." He opened his eyes once he finished.

He wasn't ready for the fist that Connor threw his way.

But luckily it never reached its destination before Connor stopped himself.

He pulled away, and slowly walked away from the two. "I hope that you're happy now."

Evan and Jared stood in shock before Jared broke the silence. "Wow, that was easier than expected!" Evan laughed at Jared's enthusiasm.

"Now, Hansen, do you want to do a movie night at house tonight?" Evan nodded his head, happy about the breakup.

Both boys smiled, and together they walked down the hall, proud to be each other's boyfriend.

Would you guys be open to me doing a Little Shop of Horrors AU next? It'd be DEH, and probably Kleinsen...

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