Boyf Riends- Bar Mitzvah

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Requested by: Castiebee
Sorry it took me so long! I tried to to as much research as I could

"So..." Michael awkwardly shifted towards Jeremy. "What's happening?"

Jeremy sighed. "Dude, we've been over this. It's nothing to worry about."

"No, yeah, I know. Obviously." Michael chuckled as turned away from Jeremy, looking at the lay out of the hotel's reception hall. "It's just... this is a lot bigger than you said it would be."

"Yeah, I know." Jeremy looked around before turning back to Michael. "My mom invited like, everyone she knows since... you know..." He motioned to Michael. "You're the only friend I have."

Michael looked back down as his dress shoes. "Yeah, man. But don't worry. We'll be popular later, trust me."

Jeremy smiled, and both boys turned to watch all of the adults dancing.

"You know, we are like, the only kids here." Jeremy didn't face Michael as he started talking.


"So," Jeremy faced Michael with excitement in his eyes. "How much you wanna bet they won't notice us missing?"

"Dude, seriously? But like, isn't this, you know, like, your day?"

"Don't worry man, they're all too drunk to notice." Jeremy grabbed Michael's hand and dragged him towards the exit. Michael's eyes gazed down towards their hands, but didn't say anything as he felt his face heat up.

"Well old man, what do you want to do?"

Jeremy looked around the hotel until he found the sign he was looking for. Without saying a word, he dragged Michael down a hallway until they reached the door.

"... really dude? Won't it be... kinda... hard in suits?"

"Hey, I'm a man now, let me live." Jeremy pushed open the door into the empty pool deck, dropping Michael's hand. Michael sighed at the lack of contact, but raced after Jeremy anyway.

Jeremy began to quickly take off his shoes and sock, and almost jumped into the water before his best friend stopped him. "Don't you think like, we should take off at least the coat and vest?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes but took off what Michael told him to, racing him to get everything off in time.

One they were both done, the shared a look and jumped straight into the pool, cannonballing.

Jeremy came up for air and gasped. "Okay okay, I totally won that."

"No way dude, I did!"

The boys bickered back and forth before Michael realized how close they were. He nervously chuckled and backed away. "Sorry man."

"N-no, it's uh..." Jeremy trailed off. "Actually, I need to tell you something."

"What is it man?"

Jeremy sank more into the water. "Promise you won't like, stop being my friend?"

"Dude, did you kill someone? I can help you hide the body."

Jeremy smiled. "Close."

Michael laughed before splashing Jeremy. "Well, what is it you nerd?"

"I uh..." All of Jeremy's confidence was replaced with fear. Was he actually gonna do this?

Screw it.

Jeremy leaned in and forcefully kissed Michael. Michael was taken back, but lightly kissed Jeremy back. Jeremy smiled when he realized that he wasn't being rejected, and when they pulled away he let out a silent 'thank you' to the heavens. Both boys panted slightly, resting their foreheads together.

"S-so uh, yeah..." Jeremy nervously chuckled. "I uh..."

Michael smiled, and softly pecked Jeremy on the lips. "As much as I liked that, you've got to stop doing things you see in crappy romance movies. Maybe a little softer on the kiss next time, Romeo?"

"N-next time?" Jeremy's voice cracked with excitement. "Y-yeah, yeah, I can do that."

"Good." Michael leaned in, kissing Jeremy with such passion that the boys forgot they were in a hotel pool, where anyone could see them.

"Dang it." Mrs. Heere got out her wallet, handing her husband a twenty. "Couldn't they have waited until high school?"

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