Boyf Riends- Spider-Man AU pt2

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"Jeremy! I got it! I got it! Yes yes yes!" Michael slammed open Jeremy's front door, jumping with excitement, giving Jeremy a mini heart attack.

"I got the job! Oh my god," he paused, clutching his chest. "I'm gonna die of happiness."

Jeremy chuckled, then pulled his boyfriend into a hug. "That's awesome! I'm so excited for you!"

That was two weeks ago. Jeremy was currently on patrol, and he was perched on a ledge, watching his boyfriends office building. He tugged at the mask around his head, pulling it down more.

Michael had gotten a job that sounded perfect for him. High paying for a high school student, over all a good company, and he was doing something he loved; Creating video games and computer tech.

Jeremy had thought it was a perfect job for Michael. Until he did some research.

IP, the company Michael worked at, was sister companies with SQU; the same company that created The Squip.

Jeremy knew they were up to something. He just had to figure out what. Jeremy thought back to their fight a few days ago.

"-but all in all, Im super excited about the new project my boss put me on. It's something to do with upgrading all of our old tech, and he said that he needed my kinda smarts.... Are you even listening to me?"

Jeremy perked up a bit on his couch. "O-oh yeah. Um, you were saying something about your boss?"

Michael sighed. "Seriously, what's up with you man? You've been acting shady ever since... ever since...." he looked up at Jeremy, who was blushing profusely at his glare. "Are you... jealous of me?"

"W-what? No! No, that's not it."

"Then what is it?"

Jeremy sighed, and turned away. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"What does that even mean? Why would I get hurt?"

"The company you work at! It's bad news, dude. Trust me."

"Jeremy. The worst thing to happen there, was a virus that whipped out my computer for a day. The company isn't bad!"

At this point, both boys were standing, fists at their sides, voices raised.

"I just want to protect you!"

"Oh, that's it? You just want to protect me? I'm not some damsel in distress, Jeremy. I don't need saving from my job!"

Michael stormed towards the door, leaving behind a broken hearted Jeremy.

Jeremy had noticed weird things happening at the IP. The most important being people disappearing. They would enter, but they would never leave. This had been happening for a few days now, and even though he'd tried to tell Michael, he wouldn't listen.

Jeremy watched as people left IP, on their way home. Jeremy waited for the familiar red hoodie to waltz out, but he never came.

At first, Jeremy had just thought, ''maybe his newest project is taking longer than expected'. But when Michael didn't come out after an hour had passed, he got worried.

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