Tree Bros- String of Fate

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Red string AU where once you touch your soulmate, a red string appears. Afterwards, you can only see it when you are extremely upset.

Evan glanced behind Jared as he rambled on about something, probably his new video game.

"...and so I'm just really...are you listening to me?"

"O-oh, sorry, uh, you were talking about uh, your video game?"

Jared rolled his eyes. "Close." He mumbled sarcastically. "What were you looking at anywa-oh." Jared turned back to Evan.

"Really Ev? School shooter?" Jared sighed before putting on his signature smirk. "I mean, you could have this delicious body..."

"D-don't, don't call him that. He's not, he's not..." Evan ignored Jared's comment about himself, focusing instead on the talk boy again.

Evan quickly snapped to attention when Connor started to walk in their direction.

"So, uh, Evan, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe-" Jared was cut off by Connor bumping into him, almost falling over. "Geez, dude. Watch where you're going!"

Connor was about to walk past the boys, but he turned around sharply to Jared. As he stepped closer to Jared, he failed to notice his book bag had knocked Evan over.

Evan struggled to get up, and one Jared tried to push past Connor, did he finally realize what he'd done.

"Oh god, shit, I'm sorry." Connor offered his hand to help Evan up, and Evan gratefully took it. As he stood up, he looked down at their hands, his smile fading quickly.

The red string.

Connor jumped back, hiding his hand in his pocket. "Shit. Uh, I'm sorry."

"S-sorry?" Evan asked, stars in his eyes.  He'd finally found his soulmate. "For what?"

"You're stuck with me." Connor dryly laughed.

" you feel stuck with me?" Evan asked softly.

"What? No, don't ever say that." Connor looked anywhere but Evans face. "It's just, you know. School freak?"

"Y-you're not, you're not, you're not a freak, Connor." Connor scoffed, so Evan continued, moving a little but closer. "And, and uh, I've like you for a while? I just, I just thought you wouldn't like me, so um."

Connor softly smiled at Evan. "Well, I uh, guess you're stuck with me, soulmate."

Evan laughed, before getting on his tip toes and giving Connor a peck on the lips.

"I guess, I guess I am, aren't I?"

Jared rushed home, not wanting to see the heated make-out session.

He dug around his room, before finally pulling out the box he had hidden under his bed.

He opened it, gently pulling out the warning note, and the beautiful, silver scissors.

Warning: Though your actions may be true,
The path of these scissors will NEVER undo.
With one small snip of a string,
You lose all of your human being.

Jared knew what he was doing. He knew that cutting the string would cause him to lose all of his emotions.

He already fakes all of them, so what's the problem?

He'd rather have no emotions then have to suffer through the pain of losing a soulmate.

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