Boyf Riends- Beautiful

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Warning: body self conscious, and mentions of not eating. If you don't feel comfortable with this topic, please do not read.

This is a fluff, not angst, don't worry.

Jeremy and Michael sat side by side, playing their favorite video game, Apocalypse of the Damned. They'd been playing for a while now, trying to beat level 11, the Gymnasium.

Jeremy hit the pause button and stood up, stretching. "I'm hungry man. Do you want me to get you something?" Jeremy walked over to staircase and waited for Michael response.

"Nah, I'm not hungry." Michael didn't look at Jeremy.

Jeremy gave Michael a worried look that went unnoticed. "Mike... I uh, didn't see you eat today..."

"Sure I did. I had a slushie today at lunch." Michael deadpanned, still facing away from his boyfriend.

"No, you didn't. Remember? And, and yesterday, you didn't eat either."

"Yeah, I DID. You probably just didn't see me." Michael stood up, anger visible on his face.

Jeremy sighed, and dared to step closer to his boyfriend. "I'm just worried about you, Michael. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong! I'm fine!" Michael snapped.

"You don't sound fine! You haven't eaten in like, days! I'm worried!"

Michael scoffed. "Well, you don't have to be worried. I'm fine."

There was deadly tension in the air.

"Fine. If you're so okay, why don't we have dinner?"

"Fine!" Michael crossed his arms, and stormed past Jeremy to head to his kitchen.

Jeremy waited for Michael to eat, but Michael just looked blankly at the pizza in front of him.

"Are... are you gonna eat?" Jeremy broke the silence.

"...Michael? Are you okay, baby?"

Michael let out a weak sob as he slowly dropped to the floor, his emotions taking over.

"Michael!" Jeremy rushed to his side.

"Breathe baby, breathe." Jeremy comforted his boyfriend as Michael's sobs got quieter.

"I-I'm s-sorry." Michael choked out.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about baby."

"Yes I do, I just-" Michael stopped to let out a sob. "Im not not good enough for you! I-i need to work out more, a-and get thinner, and-"

"What? No, no, you don't Michael. You're so beautiful. You don't need to change yourself for me, okay? I just want you to be healthy. Okay?" Michael softly nodded his head.

"We can work through this together, okay? It'll be okay baby, I promise. I love you so so much." Jeremy continued to whispered sweet nothings to Michael.

Michael was slowly drifting off to sleep, allowing Jeremy to carry him to his room.

Jeremy softly placed Michael down on the bed and curled up next to him, already planning a beautiful, big date to show how much he cared.

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