Tree Bros- Radio Rebel pt3

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Like, 3 people wanted this, so...

Evan sat in front of his piano, trying to figure out what he wanted to sing about. His hands fluttered over the keys, never fully touching them.

Connor cleared his throat, drawing Evans attention to him. "What if... never mind, it's stupid."

"I bet, I bet it's not?" Evan tried to gently push Connors idea.

"Well uh, what if you sang about... about the forrest? And the...?" Connor motioned to Evans newly cased arm.

"Well, I mean, I totally can, and that's actually one of my main ideas, but um, I don't know how to write it down?" Evan gently rubbed his arm.

"That's all you need help with?" Evan gently nodded his head. "Well," Connor jumped off Evans bed. "It's a good thing I write poetry. Let's get started."

"Hi everyone, it's me again." Evan took a deep breath to steady himself. "I'm uh, going to be singing a song my...boyfriend help me write."

Connors eyes widened at the label. Evan had said he wasn't sure how people would react to the whole 'boyfriend' thing, so in the song they made it seem more like they were friends.

Connor wasn't mad. He was so happy and proud.

"It's called um, For Forever. It's about, it's about our last date. So uh, here we go, I guess."

Connor almost cried hearing Evans voice live. If it was beautiful on camera, it was twenty times better in real life.

Connor came back to his senses when he heard Evan sing. "We pick a spot and shoot the breeze, like lovers do."

Connor had to take a step back, and gently covered his mouth.

It had been a month since they went on that date, but he knew that Evan was the only one for him. And the song Evan was singing only confirmed it.

"Connor?" Evan stopped singing, getting up. "Are you okay?" Connor covered his face, embarrassed. He tried to nod his head, but anyone could tell he wasn't okay.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can, I can re-do it. I'll re-do it, I'm sorry, please don't cry." Evan held on to Connors waist, wrapping himself around him.

Evans eyes were filled with tears when he heard Connors light sobs. "I'm sorry." He meekly whispered.

"No, no, Evan, your voice, it's so, it's so beautiful." Connor gently lifted Evans head off his chest. "I'm so fucking happy right now." He laughed as a tear streamed down his face. "These are happy tears, I swear."

Evan gently smiled through his own tears, and stood on his tiptoes to reach Connors lips. He pressed a sweet kiss onto his lips, and Connor gently ran his hands over Evans waist.

Separating from each other, Connor and Evan gently pressed their foreheads together.

"I love you so much, Evan Hansen."

There was a pause, and Connor began to panic.

"I-I love you more, Connor Murphy."

And they stayed that way for forever.

Well, until Evan had to get back to filming. But for now, they just held each other in peace.

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