Boyf Riends- Winter Wonderland

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This is a birthday present for my best friend, Rarity37

Love you!

"Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy if you don't wake up I'm getting the water bucket."

"I'm up!" Jeremy mumbled, sitting up fast. "Jesus fuck. I'm up."

Michael chuckled, pulling Jeremy out of his warm bed. "Come on, Jere-bear."

"What?" Jeremy asked, pulling his hand back. "Why are you being so..." He trailed off, not knowing the right word to use.

"Dude. Do you know what day it is?"

"Uh... Friday?" Jeremy asked.

"Oh my god." Michael pulled out his phone, showing him the date.

"Oh shit. It's my birthday." Michaels laughter
filled the room, letting Jeremy join him.

"Now come on, I need to show you something."

Jeremy finally allowed himself to be dragged about, chuckling as Michael raced down the stairs.

"Morning boys!" Mr.Heere called, placing a plate on the table. Jeremy's eyes widened as he hungrily glanced at the flavorful food. He was about to sit down and enjoy one of his dads fluffy pancakes when Michael pulled him back up.

"The hell dude?" Jeremy asked.

"Dude. Trust me." Michael quickly pecked Jeremy on the lips, then pulled him to the front door. Michael opened it wide, smiling as he watched Jeremy's face light up.

"Holy shit. Is snowing!" Michael chuckled as Jeremy's eyes danced around the winter wonderland.

"So uh, yeah, schools obviously canceled... so that means we have a whole day to play video games!"

"This is the best birthday ever." Jeremy mumbled as Michael shut the door.

"You literally haven't even been awake for an hour."

"Okay, but any day spent with you is the best, so obviously this is gonna be the best birthday." Michael rolled his eyes, trying to distract from his blushing cheeks.

"And besides..." Jeremy trailed off, pecking Michael on the lips. "I can finally kiss you this year."

"You're a fucking sap." Michael smiled softly before picking Jeremy up and spinning him around. He gently placed him back on the ground, pulling him towards the food.

"Dude, you're like an excited puppy." Jeremy said smirking at his boyfriend.

"Am I a cute puppy?" Michael asked, giving Jeremy his best puppy dog face.

Jeremy glanced at him before deciding. "Nah. You're like one of those... what are they called?"

"Chinese Crested dogs." His dad answered.

"Yeah. Chinese Crested."

"Wow. I feel so attacked." Michael said, clutching his chest jokingly. "I guess I'll just take your gift back..."

"No, no, I love you, please." Michael chuckled, pulling out a gift bag from under the table. He handed it to Jeremy, a nervous look on his face.

Jeremy smiled, ripping the tissue paper out, and held up the sweater.

"I uh, well, you always take my sweater cuz you like the patches, so I thought that... I don't know... maybe you'd want your own?"

Jeremy didn't answer for a moment, looking at the sweater in awe.

"I mean, I can uh, get you different patches, or just uh, something different if you think it's stupid or whatever."

"No, no. It's... it's so... amazing. Thank you." Jeremy finally glanced up at Michael, tears brimming his eyes.

Michael softly smiled, leaning in and wiping his tears away. "There's another gift for later, by the way." He leaned back, and started talking to Jeremy's dad about the food, but Jeremy couldn't stop thinking about the other gift.

"So...?" Jeremy asked as the two stood alone in Jeremy's basement. "What's... what's the other gift?"

"Oh, yeah. So, uh..." Michael trailed off, his hands fumbling in his hoodie pocket. "I uh..." Michael took a deep breath.

"I really love you, okay dude? You're... you're my favorite person, and... and I want to spend forever with you." Michael pulled out a ring box, holding it open for Jeremy. "It's a promise ring. I promise that I'll always protect you, and I'll always be by your side. I promise that, when we're ready, I'm going to marry you."

Jeremy smiled wide, wiping away his tears. "Baby. I love you too. So, so much."

Michael looked away, wiping his own tears on his hoodie sleeve.

Jeremy hugged Michael, pulling him closer to his chest as he brought them over to his couch in the corner. The two sat down together, holding each other tight, with the promise of them being together forever.

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