Boyf Riends- Internet History

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Um... warning...references... things...? Also I'm sorry it's really short

Jeremy and Michael were chilling out together, playing video games in Michael's basement. But... Jeremy had been acting weird all day, and even right now.

Jeremy shifted uncomfortably for the third time in the past minute. Michael had picked up on it, and finally put down his controller.

"Dude, babe, what's wrong with you?" Michael questioned.

Jeremy's face turned bright red as he tried to come up with and explanation. "W-what? Nothing's... wrong...? I'm fine!"

He nervously chuckled. He quickly stood up, and ran to his backpack and behind it, was his laptop. Jeremy slammed it shut before heading to the door, and turning away from his boyfriend. Michael hadn't even noticed his laptop until now. Was that why Jeremy was acting so weird? He didn't want Michael to see his-

"WHELP I'm gonna go pee... yeahhh. I'll be back! Don't play without me!" Jeremy laughed nervously before racing out of the room.

Michael was... confused. Jeremy would normally tell him everything. So, why was he being really secretive about this? It's not like Michael hadn't seen those videos before! 

Maybe... maybe it was something that Jeremy wanted Michael to do, but was too afraid to ask.

Warily he walked over to Jeremy's laptop. He already knew about Jeremy's cat ears and tail obsession, so he was a little scared of what this one would be.

He carefully opened the laptop, only to find about 20 tabs full of different Annoying Orange videos. It was only Annoying Orange. Some were songs, and, oh god, there was fan fiction pulled up too.

Just as Michael was reading through it a little bit, Jeremy walked back in. Seeing his boyfriend on his laptop he panicked.


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