Tree Bros-Prom?

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*Sigh* this chapter is a mess

"So tree boy, what exactly do you need me for?" Jared sat on Evans bed, waiting for a response.

"I-I-I uh, want to ask Connor to prom?"

"Isn't he your boyfriend? Like, shouldn't it be expected that he's gonna go to prom with you?"

"W-well, yeah, but I want to do something nice and sweet for him? But I uh, need help with the flowers and stuff..."

Jared adjusted his glasses and slid off the bed. "You got him flowers. Of course you did."

Evan shyly smiled. "I um, have them on my kitchen table for tomorrow... I uh, was wondering...? Well, I mean, you know his locker combination...?"

Jared sighed. "Whatever you meme, I'll help you."

For some reason, every time Connor got remotely close to his locker, he couldn't stop sneezing.

It was greatly annoying him. He just wanted his text book for once, but no.

Was... was he actually allergic to school?

"Hey Hot Topic. Why are you awkwardly standing by your locker?" Jared waltzed over to see Connor's reaction to the flowers.

"Jared, open my locker for me. I know you know the code."

"Okay, okay, geez Princess." Jared unlocked Connor's locker while mumbling something under his breath. When he finally opened it, a bouquet of Daisy's fell out.

"Jared, do you know why there are flowers in my locker?"

"I don't know, maybe you're boyfriend is trying to be nice to you?" Jared sassed back before retreating to go find Evan.

Connor signed before looking back at the flowers.

Well, that explains the runny nose and sneezing.

He sighed before picking them up and throwing them in the trash. As much as he loved his boyfriend, he had to. He could already feel a rash on his hands as he closed his locker door and headed to class.

"What do you mean, 'he threw them away '? I wrote on the card that Daisy's mean true love! I-I spent hours...Oh no, does he not thing that this is true love? Oh wow I screwed up so horribly." Jared moved his lunch over to the other side of the tree to avoid being spilt by Evan.

"Evan, dude chill. He probably has a better reason for it? Maybe... uh..."

"I've ruined everything." Evan curled up in a ball, ignoring everyone.

Well, uh, it's better than a panic attack? Jared looked around the outside of the school before texting Connor to get his ass outside, pronto.

"Evan? Sweetheart, it's me." Jared grabbed his things to leave the two alone. Standing up, he gave a thumbs up to Connor, who nodded in response.

"Evan, hey, what's wrong?" Connor sat down next to Evan, rubbing his back.

Evan sniffed. "I'm s-sorry."

"Baby, what are you sorry for?"

"I-I wanted to ask you to prom in a sweet way, I guess? B-but I guess I uh, went to fast with my feelings, and I'm, I'm sorry."

Connor's eyes softened. "Evan, sweetheart, what do you mean?"

"The the, the Daisies. They mean true love, but y-you threw them away, which I totally understand because I mean, I went to far and-"

"No, no, no Evan, come here." Connor pulled Evan onto his lap, letting Evan curl up on his chest.

"Sweetheart, I'm so so sorry that I threw them away, but, baby, I'm like, uh... low key allergic..."

"Y-you're what? Oh my god I fu-fudged up. So horribly. Oh my god. Oh. Oh no. I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to, oh wow I'm the worst boyfriend ever-"

"Evan, I swear it's okay. You didn't know, okay? You were just trying, and that's okay. Now," he adjusted himself so that Evan would be staring directing at him. "Is there something you wanted to ask me?"

"I-I-I? Um... oh! Right, prom. Um? Will you go to prom? With me! With me? I just uh. Really want to go with you? We can match our outfits and stuff too... if you want of course."

"Evan Hansen, is love to go to prom with you. Just, no daisies, okay?"

Evan giggled as Connor kissed him lightly on the nose, before Evan laid his head back down on Connor's chest, enjoying the rise and fall, and hoping to stay this way for... for forever.

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