~1~ Bring It On!

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If you have not read my other stories, PLEASE do not read this story first. It will literally be like opening a book in the middle and trying to figure out what's going on. Plus, you're going to miss out on A LOT of magic. Please start the series in the following order.

Embers, Extinguished, Cinders, Inferno, and Inferno Part 2. Then come back and join us! We will be waiting ❤️😘

Out of respect for everyone who has read the series all the way through so far, I'm not even doing an overview for this chapter...I'm just jumping right in.

Let's do this guys, and see if we can get to 200 chapters again!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Ellie's POV

I'm laying in bed, listening to the birds chirping. I need to get up and get ready for the first day of school. Summer is officially over.

What a great summer I've had!

Taylor rolls over and pulls me in close. "I'm going to miss having you home all day, baby girl. Wanna give up your fancy job and be a stay-at-home-mom again?" He asks, nuzzling into my neck.

"Not even a little bit, Chief," I smirk, kissing his nose.

He chuckles. "One of these days, we're both going to retire. Then we can spend all day, everyday together. It still won't be enough."

I chuckle as I get out of bed. "You're a charmer this morning, Tay."

"I'm hoping I'll get lucky. Is it working?"

"Sorry, Nope. No time this morning."

Taylor pouts as he watches me go into the bathroom and jump in the shower.

A few minutes later, he's jumping in the shower with me.

"How about we kill two birds with one stone?" He asks, taking some soap and washing my hair.

I chuckle as I kiss the dimple in his chin. How can I still be so in love with him? So attracted to him?

I'm not sure if we're in denial, or if life is possibly getting better. Either way, I don't care. Bring on the delusion if it means that I can continue feeling the way I'm feeling. The way that he makes me feel.

I get myself ready, and then make sure that Nolan is awake and getting ready...Thankfully he is. He is so much more independent than my other kids were. Luke would have still been sleeping.

I get downstairs and get cereal for me and Nolan. Emma comes down the stairs, rushing.

"You look nervous, darling," I say, kissing her cheek.

She chuckles as she pours herself a bowl of cereal.

"I am. I hate the first day jitters. I'm sure it's nothing compared to how Sasha's feeling, though."

I nod and smile. I'm sure Sasha is crazy nervous. She is student teaching this entire semester. I cannot believe my baby is old enough for this.

Luke and Shay come down a few minutes later. "Morning guys," I say, kissing them both.

"Is it?" Luke snaps as he takes the bowl Emma just poured out of her hands and starts eating it.

"Get your own, Luke," she snaps.

"Bite me," he snaps back.

Emma rolls her eyes, but doesn't push it. She knows how Luke is in the morning.

She might not push it, but I do. I'm not going to keep allowing him to get away with whatever just because he isn't a morning person.

I silently take the bowl out of his hand and the spoon out of his mouth. I put the spoon in the sink, and get a fresh one and hand it back to Emma.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now