~146~ Chaotic Shopping

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Zoe's POV

"What are you doing?" I ask as dad and Raya are putting on shoes and coats.

Dad rolls his eyes. "Heading to Walmart before the big snowstorm hits. Raya has basically nothing to wear since she was all fancy in sunny California. We're almost out of food too. Wanna come, Zo Zo?"

"Sure," I grin as I get on my coat and boots.

"You guys get home soon. It's supposed to start in a couple hours," mom says, watching the news. It's actually a little eerie. The news is saying that stores are selling out of snowblowers and salt for the driveways and whatnot.

"Don't worry, Lover, we'll be quick," dad says.

"Ew!" Raya gasps, opening her mouth in horror.

"You get used to it. This family is weird," I grin as I look up at dad.

Dad smirks as he takes my hat and pulls it down over my glasses. "Get going, sassy pants," he says as he swats my coat-covered butt playfully.

Raya has only been here a couple days. The only family she's met so far is Ellie, Taylor, Nolan, Luke, and Shay. I told dad once that when we first came into the family, meeting everyone all at once was crazy overwhelming. Dad talked to Raya, and she agreed to meet everyone in increments. Everyone else is bummed, though. They're anxious to meet her.

We get to the car, and dad takes in a big breath.

"Smell that?" He asks.

"Tell me you didn't just fart, Jake!"

Dad laughs loudly at Raya and opens his car door.

"No, ya goon. It smells like snow."

"You can't smell snow," she argues.

"How do you know? Have you ever even seen it before?"

"Well, no....."

Dad nods. "Then take my word for it. It smells like snow."

Raya shrugs and looks at me. "Take shotgun. I'll go in back."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I don't need to sit up front and hear more about snow smelling."

I chuckle as I get in. She and I have plans to watch Pride and Prejudice tonight, and we need to get junk food. It's gonna be a good night.


We get to the store, and dad curses under his breath.


"Not now, Zoe," he says as he gets on his phone. "Hey. Have you gotten to the store yet?.....Are you guys good on food and supplies? Well, apparently this town believes we're prepping for the apocalypse. It's a shitshow....Might wanna call each family and have them go now.....Don't worry, I'll knock a granny out if she tries to take the last package of ding dongs. K. See ya in a bit, Taylor....Or not, if the granny kills me with her walker."

Dad hangs up and puts the phone back in his pocket. "K. This place is a madhouse. Neither of you leave my side, do you hear me?"

Once we both silently nod, he continues. "Let's get some food first, because these people are animals.
Then we'll see what we can find clothes wise for Raya."

We weave in and out of people, with dad continuing to curse under his breath.

We shop for a while, and then go to the bread aisle.

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