~124~ Put In The Work

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Ellie's POV

I'm in such a bummed out mood, that I don't feel like cooking the pork chops I had set out to thaw.

I'm just kinda putzing around, figuring out what to throw together, when Taylor comes in.

"Pizza is ordered, and Jake and is family are coming over to eat with us."


He shrugs and grabs my hand. "Because you still have him, and you still have a family."

I nod and kiss his cheek. Jake and his crew come in a few minutes later, and Jake shakes his head.

"Don't you dare, Eleanor."

"What did I do now?"



"You're sitting there, wracking your brain, trying to figure out what you did to make him leave. You. Did. Nothing."

I sigh and I brush some hair off of my face. "You'd think that," I mutter.

"What are you talking about?"

"Apparently it's all been my fault...Well me, Alex, and Nolan."

Jake's back stiffens as he looks at Taylor.

"Not in the mood for riddles tonight. Tell me what the hell she's talking about, Taylor."

Taylor spends the next five minutes, telling him all of the reasons Justin gave. Once he's done, Jake is quiet.

"What are you thinking?" I ask, grabbing his hand.

"That I'm starving and hope he ordered a ton of pizza."

"Jake, come on. Just tell me."

He goes to the fridge and gets a beer, popping it open and taking a drink.

"I think it's bullshit, but I know you don't want to hear that. My sister's best friend wanted in her life, so I have to leave? I mean, I get the Nolan bit...But the Alex part?... I don't buy it. He didn't leave you to make it easier on you...He backed off so he didn't feel like shit when you kept ditching him for Alex. He's real great at playing a victim."

"KNOCK IT OFF!" I yell, making him actually jump.


"YOU HAVE BEEN HORRIBLE TO HIM! Why couldn't you have just been nice? How hard is it to be kind? It's NOT hard. Use the filter that I know you have, and filter out the shitty remarks!"

He looks at me for a long moment. "Why would I do that, Ellie?"

"You're unbelievable," I say as I shove him and walk away.

He didn't like that.

"Go ahead and tell me, Ellie? Why do I need to make it easy on him?"


Jake is unfazed by my scary yelling as he shrugs. "So because he decided to try a tiny bit, we welcome him with open arms? Ellie, I had to try for 10 damn years....Which is a little excessive, might I add. I'm not saying he needs to put in 10 years of time...By that time I'm sure our kids will be wiping our asses and we won't have any teeth...But still. I had to put in ten years, but he just has to put in two days? Bull."

I shake my head. "You're being dramatic."

Jake chuckles darkly and turns to Taylor. "Did I just imagine those ten years? Did I imagine how HORRIBLE you, Wes, and Alex treated me?"

Taylor shakes his head. "Nope"

Jake turns back to me. "I remember a particularly fun time."


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