~28~ Chat In The Woods

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Gabby's POV

I run as fast as I can. He said he was coming back in twenty minutes, but I don't trust anything that guy says anymore. I know where I'm headed. About a mile away, there's a park that butts up next to the woods. They will never find me in the woods.

By the time I get there, I'm completely out of breath. Thankfully it's still light outside, and I can see where I'm going. I go deep in the woods, and sit down next to a creek I find. I take off my shoes, and put my feet in the water.

As I'm watching the stream trickling around the rocks and lapping against my feet, I start crying again. I knew it was too good to be true. This is why I refused to get close. I knew it was only a matter of time.

Thankfully I always have a backup plan. A month ago I found a stash of cash that they had, and I stole about $1,000. That will get me a bus ticket and food. I don't know where I'm going, but I'll be ok. I'll just hide out here tonight, and start making my way towards the bus station tomorrow. Once they can't find me in an hour or two, they will give up.

As much as I hated this family, I was jealous of how close they all were. How happy they all seemed. A part of me wanted that. Just a small part, though. The rest of me knew I would never get it. This is why you keep your walls up, so when the enemy starts to attack, you don't get speared.

It's been a long time. I've been next to this creek for a long time. It's starting to get dark, and I will admit, a little creepy.

"There's bears around here, ya know? What's the plan if a bear wants to eat your stupid ass?"

I jump and turn at the sound...It's Colton.

"What the hell?" I say as I stand up and go to grab my bag.

"If you run, I won't chase you. I don't give a shit if you leave or not."

I just stare at him.

"Then why are you here?" I finally ask.

"Dad made me look for you."

I chuckle. "He couldn't even bother to look for me himself?"

"The whole damn family is out searching for you. Jake took Nolan, Ethan, and Zoe to the riverfront. Ellie, Taylor, Wes, and Megan are searching the West side, and everyone else is combing the East. Nora even has the babies in a stroller and is walking the neighborhoods. She was adamant about it. Better hope Charlotte doesn't need anything while she's looking for you."

I roll my eyes. This family is way too dramatic.

I sit back down and throw a rock in the creek. Colton sits next to me.

"Better not call him behind my back," I say as I glare at him.

"How the hell would I do that? Because of you, I lost my backup phone."

I smirk. I forgot about that.

"Got your first spanking, huh?"

"First and last."

Colton chuckles. "Dads a good guy. You haven't even given him a chance."

"If he's such a good guy, why are you so awful to him?"

Colton is quiet for a long minute. "I have been awful to him."

"Must not be a good guy, then."

"I've got a gambling addiction. All I want to do is go to this bar downtown and play cards. It's all I can think about. Dad has been on my ass, and I haven't been able to. I'm pissed about it."

I don't say anything. I don't care about his problems.

"Anyways, you really should give him a chance. My mom especially. She wanted another kid so bad.
Sucks she got such a nasty one."

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