~152~ Safe Under The Blanket

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Ellie's POV

I tell Mason how to hold Liam's leg, and tell him briefly what to do. I need to get the bone aligned correctly, but the way this break is, I know I'm not physically strong enough to do it by myself—I need some manpower.

I take a deep breath, assess his leg once more, and then nod. I look at Mason. "You ready?"

"Yeah," he says as he holds Liam's leg the way I showed him.

"Use all of your strength, Mason. The bone has to go back in place the first time, or he could lose function in it. Pull with all your strength when I say go."

I figured he would back out and ask Wes to do it, but he doesn't. He gets a look of determination about him and nods once.

I get everything set, and then nod. "Go!" I say as I push a certain way, and Mason pulls, and I feel the bone go back in correctly.

I don't have a chance to be relieved, because the pain of that woke Liam up, and he's screaming and trying to thrash.

If he can use that much strength, I don't think he's paralyzed.

The men are doing a fantastic job keeping him pinned, but it's hard on a mother to watch her son in agony, while being pinned down.

It's even harder on children to watch.

All the littles are gripping Savannah, and Savannah is doing her best not to cry.

Why didn't I send them out? How could I have been so stupid?

"Ok Alex, try 911 again," I say once Liam settles down and is only groaning in misery.

Alex nods as his shaky hands call 911.

Tears fall when he simply shakes his head and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"Luke, do you guys have any whiskey here?"

"Upstairs. I'll go grab it," he says as he takes a light and rushes upstairs.

When he comes back down, he hands it to me.

"Liam, move your hands," I say gently.

He moves his hands.

"Good. Move the leg that doesn't hurt," I say.

Immediately his leg moves.

I breathe another sigh of relief. He's not paralyzed.

"Ok, buddy. When's your birthday?"

"Don't make me talk," he says in a rush as he grips Alex's hand tight. He's doing his best to act ok, because he knows his kids are watching.

Dang what do I do? I can't send the kids upstairs, because it's too cold. They have to be here with us.

I take a flashlight and shine it in his eyes. His pupils aren't dilating right. "Ok, he has a concussion....I'm still gonna give him some whiskey, though...his pain is unbearable. Nora, do you disagree?"

She shakes her head. "Give him some."

"Help him up just a bit," I say to Wes. Wes tilts him up just enough, and Liam screams.

Lizzie immediately covers her ears and buries herself into Savannah.

I hold the bottle to his mouth, and he takes a big gulp—Then he coughs from the burn it creates.

"More," I say as I hold it to his mouth again.

He takes another big gulp, and grunts from the whiskey assaulting this throat.

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