~187~ I Had No Idea

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Due to personal reasons, this will be my last update until Monday. Have a great weekend!

Ellie's POV

"What's wrong?!?" I ask Nolan when I see his face.


"Nolan James....."

He sighs and shakes his head. "Did you know Justin was in town?"

"He is? Oh No! Jake just hung up on me—That explains it."

"Yeah," he says as he goes to the fridge and gets an apple.

"What's for dinner?" He asks as he takes a bite.

"Gabby asked for sloppy joes."

He groans as he takes another bite.

"What?" I chuckle.

"She WOULD pick the most disgusting food in the world!"

"Hey! I happen to LOVE Sloppy Joe's," Taylor says as he kisses my cheek.

"And that would make you weird," Nolan smirks.

Taylor cackles as he comes over to Nolan. He lifts his leg and puts his foot on the barstool, and bends Nolan over his knee.

"How many swats for a lippy teen?" He asks me with a grin.

"Well someone's not getting a bite of my apple," Nolan grumbles as he tries to break free.

Taylor laughs even louder as he lets him go and steals the apple, taking a huge bite.

He chomps loudly, and hands it back to Nolan with a grin.

"That was unnecessary—All I said was I didn't like Sloppy Joe's."

"It was because you insulted Sloppy Joe's, mister," Taylor smirks.

"Wait till I tell you how I really feel about Mary," he says as he leaves the kitchen and starts to walk upstairs.

Taylor's face gets serious as he follows after him. "Wait! What you gonna say about Mary?!? Hey! You have a problem with her, you say it to my face....."

Nolan ignores him and we hear the door shut. Taylor laughs again. "He was a little cranky—What's up?"

"Apparently Justin is over at Jake's."

"Oh joy," he grumbles as he gets his own apple out of the fridge.


Raya's POV

Justin and I hang out all morning, and by afternoon we decide to go out and play some Basketball. We go outside and shoot hoops, and I'm having the best time.

I wish he lived here too

After my next basket, I pause the game.

"Time-out! I have to pee!"

"Again? This is the sixth time this hour, Raya," Justin says with a weird look on his face.

"It's beyond weird that you're tracking my bathroom trips, Justin."

He smiles and shakes his head. "Hurry back!"

I do, and when I come out, he's looking at his phone.

"Talkin' to your girlfriend?" I tease as I throw the ball at him.

He looks up and smirks, putting the phone away.

As we're playing, he clears his throat. "Your vision ever get blurry, Raya?"

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now