~82~ Here I Come

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Ellie's POV

Wes gets a phone call and he goes inside to talk, while I continue sitting on the balcony. A few minutes later, he comes back out.

He sits down and is completely silent for a few minutes. At first, I'm actually thinking that maybe he and Megan are in a fight about us having to kiss, so I don't ask him what's wrong.

"Ellie, I need to ask you something," he finally says.

"Shoot," I say with a smile as I look at him and wait.

His face is really, really wrong.

"When I tell you that I'm going to keep you safe, do you believe me?"

"Sure I do"

He gets off his chair and walks over to me, bending down in front of me and grabbing my hands. He's staring at me hard...His gaze so intense, I immediately feel uneasy.

"I know I'm not Taylor, but I sure do love you something fierce. I will die keeping you safe. You know that, right?"

A pit has now formed in my stomach.

"Wes, what's going on?"

"I just called Justin. He's leaving work now, and he's spending the next few days here with us."

"Why? It's already squishy with just you and me."

"I know that"

"Then what's wrong, Wes?"

That's when it hits me like a ton of bricks.

"He's in California, isn't he?"

Wes squeezes my hands and doesn't break my gaze.

"I need you to repeat what I just said."

"What?" I ask, feeling my chest tighten.

"Say, 'I'm safe'. 'Wes and Justin will keep me safe'."

The ringing in my ears is loud.


"Wes and Justin will keep me safe."

Wes nods and kisses my hands.

"Here's what's happening. You listening? I can't have you falling apart. I need Ellie Freeman to come out and play, and I need her now. K?"

I just nod

"We're not gonna sit on the balcony anymore. I'm so sorry... I know out here is the ONLY thing keeping you sane right now, but we can't do it. We have to stay inside and draw the curtains."

A tear slips down my cheek. He's right. This tiny balcony has been my one and only escape.

"Taylor, Alex, Jake, and Liam are on their way now. Mason is staying back home with Luke and Trace...Just in case, we don't want to leave everyone at home without protection. The plane is getting here in four hours. For now, we're laying low. Ok?"


"Come on. I don't wanna be out here another minute."

I stand up and wipe another tear, as I go inside and Wes shuts the door on my sanity.

It was my only way to deal with this hell

He shuts the blinds and the horrible darkness engulfs the room. It's almost like a precursor of what's to come.


He flips all the lights on, and then hugs me as tight as he can.

"Say it again."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now