~158~ Leave You Alone When You Run

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Possible Trigger Warning...If this constitutes a warning, it's mild❤️

Raya's POV

"Do you think Jake would care if I went for a run? I've got to exercise or I'm gonna go crazy," I ask Zoe. She's on her stomach on her bed, reading a book.

She looks at me, and pushes her glasses further up her nose. "It's freezing outside. Why would you wanna do that?"

"Because I'm going stir-crazy. Back home, it was never cold."

"So you wanna exercise?"


"I doubt he'll care, but you need to ask him."

I stifle a groan. Asking him is the last thing I wanna do. Cause then if he says no, I have to decide if I wanna do it anyways, or listen. It always varied from foster house to foster house. Usually I listened, because I was always afraid I'd get beat.

I only got beat a few times, but it was enough to make me nervous about disobeying. Jake could really leave a mark, I'd bet.

I finally get the courage to go up to him. When I do, he's sitting on the floor with Ethan, playing some baseball game on the PlayStation.

"Do you care if I go for a run?"

"Where?" Jake asks as he sets his controller down and looks at me.


Where else would I run?

"Ever run on ice before?" He asks, looking like he wants to smile.

"What's the big deal? People skate on it."

"Yeah, with skates. If you run on ice, you'll probably die—Or say some really bad words that Zoe will yell at you for."

Fantastic. He said no

"Ok," I say as I turn around and start to go upstairs.

"Hold up. What's wrong?" He asks, and I can hear him standing up.

"Nothing. I'm just gonna go upstairs."

"Raya...." he says in a weird tone.

I turn around and look at him, and get really nervous again.

"I'm fine."

"You're not, what's wrong?"

I take a big breath, and suddenly feel like crying. I am NOT a cryer, but what I learned about the few days trapped with everyone, is that most of them are.

Great...Am I gonna become a blubbering bozo too?

"The walls are caving in on me....I just....."

Jake nods and motions for me to follow him. "Grab your shoes."

"I don't want company. I wanted to run on my own."

"Grab your shoes and your coat," he says, ignoring me.

I know better than to argue with this man. I think he'd leave more than just a mark.

I get my coat and shoes on, and follow him outside. I start to walk to the road, and he stops me. "Car....."

Dang it

"You planning on killing me?"

He looks at me with a straight face.

"What would my alibi be?"

"I have to help you with my murder?"

"A guy can never be too thorough."

"Ummm—Nope. If you wanna kill me, you're gonna have to come up with your own alibi."

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