~79~ Stuck With Wes

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Ellie's POV

Wes and I have a stare down for a minute. I'm really just trying to see what these next, however many days, are going to look like for me.

Conclusion: Not fun

Finally I roll my eyes. "You're staying fully clothed the entire time."

"Damn it, Ellie. I was truly hoping to walk around with my nuts on display. Figured I'd add another element to our friendship and see just how far I can push Taylor's trust."

"Does Megan know about the sleeping arrangements?"

"Of course she does"

"And she's ok with them?"

Wes sighs and walks over, grabbing my hand and yanking me roughly outside to the balcony.

"What are you doing?" I snap.

"I know you're stressed and scared, but you're not gonna treat me like garbage. Breathe in the ocean air and get a better attitude."

I sit down on a chair and let myself admire the perfect ocean. I'll say this, Whoever booked this room truly knows me well.

"Who booked the room?" I ask after a minute.


I nod. "I'll have to thank him for the ocean view"

"Me too," he mutters as he sits next to me and looks out, watching the waves crash on the beach.

"What's the likelihood of getting to actually walk on the beach while we're here?"

"Slim to none," he says, still looking at the water.

"We're not leaving this hotel, Ellie."

I want to grumble, but even I'm not that stupid. This isn't a vacation, it's to keep me alive.

"Thank you," I finally say as I watch the sun start to set.

He finally looks at me. "I love you, Ellie. I give you my word that I will keep you safe."

"How about yourself?"

"That will just be a bonus," he grins.

"I'm serious, Wes. You still have a family waiting for you."

He nods. "I have a huge ass family. You're apart of it. We're both coming home."

I stand up and go over to him. I lean over and hug him, kissing his cheek. He hugs me back.

When I go and sit back down, I put my feet on the guard rail and lean my head back, closing my eyes.

"This won't be the only time."

He looks at me and raises his eyebrows, silently questioning what I mean.

"That I'll snap at you and make you feel like garbage."

"Eleanor, to me you've always been like a 'sometimes annoying' little sister. I'm fully expecting it."

I look at him, and he's smirking.

"Yeah? Well you're an asshole of a big brother."

He laughs and nods. "We'll get through this whole cluster," he finally says as he takes my hand, and we continue watching the sunset.

I'm finally so tired, I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I feel Wes gently grabbing my arm and helping me stand.

"Come on, Ellie. I won't help dress you. You need to wake up to change, and then go to bed."

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