~114~ Twenty Minutes

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Liam's POV

"Daddy, will you hold me?" Charlie asks as I'm sitting and watching football.

"Never have to ask, pretty girl. I'll ALWAYS hold you," I smile as I scoop her up and kiss her.

She snuggles in, and grabs my hand.

"Tell me the story," she says softly.

"Charlotte, you probably know the story better than me by now. Why don't you tell it to me," I say as I run my fingers through her hair.

She nods and shifts, cuddling in even closer as she rests her cheek on my chest.

"When Lizzie and I got outta mommy's tummy, my heart didn't work so good."

I kiss her head, and silently wipe a tear. She noticed once how she had a scar, and Lizzie didn't. She asked, and we told her. She was so captivated by it, that she likes to retell the story all the time.....it always makes me cry. Such a hard chapter that was.

"You gave me my name, cause you wanted me to be strong like Gramma. And it worked! I suuuuuper strong."

"Yes you are," I whisper as I hold her little hand.

"When a new heart was ready, the doctors took me and gave it to me. Now I'm good as new!"

"You're good as new," I whisper again.

She snuggles in even closer and looks up, grinning at me. "Daddy?"

"Yeah love?"

"When I get big, can I still snuggle you?"

I hold her even tighter. "I'll snuggle you forever, little one."

"Me too?" Lizzie asks as she comes in the living room as sees us.

"You too. Come join us, sweets."

She grins big and rushes over, climbing on my lap and snuggling into the other side.

I look over and see Jaxson standing there, looking at us.

I grin as I shuffle the twins around. "I've always got room for one more. What'd ya say, big guy. Wanna snuggle?"

He hides his grin. He's 5, and he wants to act like he's cool and doesn't need to snuggle....However, his face is telling me something else.

"It's ok. I'm gonna go get a snack."

"Please Jax? I'm missing you."

"I've been here all day."

"Yeah, but I've got shift tomorrow. Please come sit with us?"

He pretends to act like he's doing me a favor as he climbs in the middle and puts his head on my neck.

I soak in the moment of 3 out of my 4 kids sitting with me, and thank everything that I get moments like this. Both of my twins, and Jaxson. All that's missing is Savvy.

After a few minutes, I hear Savannah's door open, and she comes downstairs.

"Always room for one more, Savvy. Wanna snuggle?"

She looks at me and smirks. "No thanks"

Charlotte shakes her head. "Daddy said even when I was big, I can still snuggle him. Come on Savvy!!!"

"Come on Savvy," I smile.

She looks at my bursting recliner, and shakes her head. "There's no room."

Jaxson shakes his head. "Daddy said there's always room. Come on, I'll scootch."

I can see the wheels turning in her head. She wants to, but definitely doesn't wanna act like she does.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now