~74~ Another First Day

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Sasha's POV

"First day as a true teacher, teacher," Mason says as he kisses my cheek.

"Yeah," I nod as I scramble to pack Drew's book bag.

"You're more nervous about Drew's first day of school, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I say as I zip up his lunchbox and put it in his book bag, zipping that up too.

Drew is sitting at the table, excitedly bouncing as he eats his eggs.

"Are you nervous, Little Dude?" Mason asks, coming over and making him sit still so he doesn't get egg all over his clean shirt.

"Nope! I'm gonna learn lots today," he bounces as he stuffs more egg into his mouth.

"Yeah you are!" Mason grins as he kisses his curly mop of hair.

Josie comes down, looking gorgeous.

"I love your hair, Jos!" I say as I admire how perfect her curly, yet tamed, head of hair is.

"Thanks," she grins as she takes the bagel Mason is about to eat out of his hand and takes a huge bite.

"Hey!" He says, more annoyed than amused.

"What? Don't you love me?"

"Not enough to give you the very last bagel in this sinkin' house."

She licks the entire thing, and then innocently hands it back to him.

He glares at her, completely appalled, and gives it back to her. "You're disgusting."

She smirks proudly as she continues to eat it.

I smile to myself. Even though they usually have more of a father/daughter relationship, I absolutely love the moments when they're just brother and sister.

Dylan comes down and grins smugly.

"Ya'll have a GREAT day being gone, and I'll enjoy this entire house all to myself.

Mason rolls his eyes and puts Dylan in a headlock.

"I'm cranky now that this twerp took my bagel, so I wouldn't mess with me, brother."

It's nice seeing them goof around too. Dylan is leaving for basic in three weeks, and will be gone for five months.

It's going to be awful.

"Ready to be a teacher, Sash?" Dylan asks, once he breaks free from Mason.

I take a deep breath and nod, not letting the fear take over me. I have to get my boy to kindergarten first.

"Let's get you to kindergarten, Little Dude!" Mason says as he grabs his book bag.

We all file out and I take Drew and Josie's 'first day of school' pictures. Then we head to the car.

"Mason, it's senior year. I wanna drive."

"I haven't bought you the parking pass yet. I'll do it today and you can drive tomorrow."

"Seriously? Why on earth wouldn't you have done it yet?"

"Because you bug me."

She looks at him hard and rolls her eyes. "You're getting me back for the bagel, huh?"

He laughs, going to his car and getting something out of his glove box.

"Here, Jos. Have a great first day," he says as he kisses her head and hands her the parking pass.

She smiles, stands on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, and then rushes to her car.

"Oh wait, can I have some money?" She asks as she turns around and skips back.

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