~92~ We Need Family

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I didn't use asterisks for this chapter, but obviously we are still talking about Shay.

I'm wanting to be as sensitive as I can. Breast cancer runs heavily in my family, so it's even hard for me to write about...which is why I felt like I needed to do this. Anytime I write a rough chapter from here on out involving Shay's cancer, I will mark the title with asterisks (***)

I will try to do this topic justice, because it's so close to my heart, and is affecting so many woman and their families. ❤️

Luke's POV

You know how shitty I feel right now? I know it just looks like I made up with dad because of Shay, but it's not true. I've been feeling bad ever since we moved out. Once I was away, I realized I was being a dick, but I was being too stubborn to apologize.

Sometimes I think I'm more like my mom than I care to admit.

Once Shay went to the doctor, and got the tumor biopsied, we kinda just hid out. We were both so worried and numb, that talking to anyone was hard. Shay talked to her mom and dad, but I was too numb.

I started ignoring everyone's calls. I started realizing that the only one I really needed and wanted to talk about it with, was dad... but I was spiraling too hard to apologize. Making the first step to see him was more than I could do.

When I ran into mom in the hall that day, I almost told her. Seeing mom, something inside of me started breaking. I needed my family. I needed my mom and dad. My brothers and sisters. I needed them... I had basically told them to "eff off."

I started to ask mom if I could talk to her in her office, when Shay called me. The doctor must have called her with her results.....

I don't really remember much. I don't even know if I said anything to mom as I rushed away. I went outside and sat in the courtyard, while my world came crashing down.

The doctor needed to see her......That only means one thing.

I went into Lance's office and shut the door. "I know that I'm still a student, so I don't even know if this is allowed, but I have to leave," I say, trying to force words out of my mouth and make them into coherent sentences.

"Are you ok?" Lance asks, putting his paperwork down and staring at me hard.

"I have to take Shay somewhere, and it's important. Please don't tell my mom."

Lance nods. "I know you, Luke. You wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. Go."

"Thanks. Can you tell Nick?"

"I'll take care of it. Good luck."

I don't even know if I answered him as I rushed out and left to pick up Shay from school. She had driven  herself, but she was so panicked from the call, there's no way I was letting her drive.

When she got in the car, I just silently pulled her into me and held her.

"We will get through this," I said, begging my tears to stay way.

"It has to be cancer," she sobbed, clinging onto my shirt so hard, I was sure it was ruined.

I kissed her forehead, and let my lips linger on her. "If it is, we will get it the hell outta you."

It was cancer

My world felt as if it was thrown off its axis. I didn't know which way was up. I didn't know if I was coming or going.

I sure as hell didn't know how to beg my family for forgiveness and help.

Her surgery was three days away, and I just knew I couldn't do it anymore. I needed my family there for both me and her. She was needing my mom, and for once in my life, I have to put her needs before mine. From now on, I HAVE to be the man she needs. She deserves nothing less.

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